Hiding and showing curves

Curves view

The Curves view shows the animation curves for Infinite clips, or for Animation clips that were converted from Infinite clips. Use the Curves view for basic animation editing such as adding keys, modifying keys, adjusting tangents, and changing the interpolation between keys.

要查看无限剪辑的动画曲线,请单击轨道名称旁边的曲线图标。要查看动画剪辑的动画曲线,请选择动画剪辑,然后单击曲线图标。曲线视图类似于 Animation 窗口中的曲线模式

The Curves icon (circled) shows and hides the Curves view for the selected clip
The Curves icon (circled) shows and hides the Curves view for the selected clip

The Curves icon does not appear for Animation tracks with humanoid animation or imported animation. To view and edit key animation for humanoid or imported Animation clips, right-click an Animation clip and select Edit in Animation Window from the context menu. You can also double-click the Animation clip. The Animation window appears, linked to the Timeline window.

在链接模式下,Animation 窗口会显示链接图标以及正在编辑的动画剪辑的名称。单击链接图标可停止编辑动画剪辑并从链接模式释放 Animation 窗口。

Animation window linked to the Timeline window, indicated by the Linked icon and Animation clip name
Animation window linked to the Timeline window, indicated by the Linked icon and Animation clip name

  • 2019–08–20 页面已发布并只进行了有限的编辑审查
Hiding and showing curves