ambientEquatorColor | Ambient lighting coming from the sides. |
ambientGroundColor | Ambient lighting coming from below. |
ambientIntensity | How much the light from the Ambient Source affects the scene. |
ambientLight | Flat ambient lighting color. |
ambientMode | Ambient lighting mode. |
ambientProbe | Custom or skybox ambient lighting data. |
ambientSkyColor | Ambient lighting coming from above. |
customReflection | Custom specular reflection cubemap. |
defaultReflectionMode | Default reflection mode. |
defaultReflectionResolution | Cubemap resolution for default reflection. |
flareFadeSpeed | The fade speed of all flares in the scene. |
flareStrength | The intensity of all flares in the scene. |
fog | Is fog enabled? |
fogColor | The color of the fog. |
fogDensity | The density of the exponential fog. |
fogEndDistance | The ending distance of linear fog. |
fogMode | Fog mode to use. |
fogStartDistance | The starting distance of linear fog. |
haloStrength | Size of the Light halos. |
reflectionBounces | How many times reflection reflects another reflection, for ex., if you set 1 bounce, a reflection will not reflect another reflection, and will show black. |
reflectionIntensity | How much the skybox / custom cubemap reflection affects the scene. |
skybox | The global skybox to use. |