Legacy Documentation: Version 5.1
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class in UnityEngine.EventSystems


Inherits from: EventSystems.BaseEventData

Switch to Manual


Event payload associated with pointer (mouse / touch) events.


buttonThe InputButton for this event.
clickCountNumber of clicks in a row.
clickTimeThe last time a click event was sent.
deltaPointer delta since last update.
draggingIs a drag operation currently occuring.
enterEventCameraThe camera associated with the last OnPointerEnter event.
hoveredList of objects in the hover stack.
pointerCurrentRaycast RaycastResult associated with the current event.
pointerDragThe object that is receiving 'OnDrag'.
pointerEnterThe object that received 'OnPointerEnter'.
pointerIdId of the pointer (touch id).
pointerPressThe GameObject that received the OnPointerDown.
pointerPressRaycast RaycastResult associated with the pointer press.
positionCurrent pointer position.
pressEventCameraThe camera associated with the last OnPointerPress event.
pressPositionPosition of the press.
rawPointerPressThe object that the press happened on even if it can not handle the press event.
scrollDeltaThe amount of scroll since the last update.
useDragThresholdShould a drag threshold be used?

Public Functions

IsPointerMovingIs the pointer moving.
IsScrollingIs scroll being used on the input device.

Inherited members


currentInputModuleA reference to the BaseInputModule that sent this event.
selectedObjectThe object currently considered selected by the EventSystem.
usedHas the event been marked as used?

Public Functions

ResetReset the Event to the default state.
UseUse the event.