Main Application class.
applicationContentsPath | Path to the Unity editor contents folder. (Read Only) |
applicationPath | Returns the path to the Unity editor application. (Read Only) |
currentScene | The path of the scene that the user has currently open (Will be an empty string if no scene is currently open). (Read Only) |
delayCall | Delegate which is called once after all inspectors update. |
hierarchyWindowChanged | A callback to be raised when an object in the hierarchy changes.Each time an object is (or a group of objects are) created, renamed, parented, unparented or destroyed this callback is raised. |
hierarchyWindowItemOnGUI | Delegate for OnGUI events for every visible list item in the HierarchyWindow. |
isCompiling | Is editor currently compiling scripts? (Read Only) |
isPaused | Is editor currently paused? |
isPlaying | Is editor currently in play mode? |
isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode | Is editor either currently in play mode, or about to switch to it? (Read Only) |
isRemoteConnected | Is editor currently connected to Unity Remote 4 client app. |
isSceneDirty | Is true if the currently open scene in the editor contains unsaved modifications. |
isUpdating | Is editor currently updating? (Read Only) |
modifierKeysChanged | Delegate for changed keyboard modifier keys. |
playmodeStateChanged | Delegate for play mode state changes. |
projectWindowChanged | Callback raised whenever the state of the Project window changes. |
projectWindowItemOnGUI | Delegate for OnGUI events for every visible list item in the ProjectWindow. |
searchChanged | Callback raised whenever the contents of a window's search box are changed. |
timeSinceStartup | The time since the editor was started. (Read Only) |
update | Delegate for generic updates. |
Beep | Plays system beep sound. |
DirtyHierarchyWindowSorting | Set the hierarchy sorting method as dirty. |
ExecuteMenuItem | Invokes the menu item in the specified path. |
Exit | Exit the Unity editor application. |
LoadLevelAdditiveAsyncInPlayMode | Load the given level additively in play mode asynchronously |
LoadLevelAdditiveInPlayMode | Load the given level additively in play mode. |
LoadLevelAsyncInPlayMode | Load the given level in play mode asynchronously. |
LoadLevelInPlayMode | Load the given level in play mode. |
LockReloadAssemblies | Prevents loading of assemblies when it is inconvenient. |
MarkSceneDirty | Explicitly mark the current opened scene as modified. |
NewEmptyScene | Create a new absolutely empty scene. |
NewScene | Create a new scene. |
OpenProject | Open another project. |
OpenScene | Opens the scene at path. |
OpenSceneAdditive | Opens the scene at path additively. |
RepaintHierarchyWindow | Can be used to ensure repaint of the HierarchyWindow. |
RepaintProjectWindow | Can be used to ensure repaint of the ProjectWindow. |
SaveAssets | Saves all serializable assets that have not yet been written to disk (eg. Materials). |
SaveCurrentSceneIfUserWantsTo | Ask the user if he wants to save the open scene. |
SaveScene | Save the open scene. |
Step | Perform a single frame step. |
UnlockReloadAssemblies | Must be called after LockReloadAssemblies, to reenable loading of assemblies. |
CallbackFunction | Delegate to be called from EditorApplication callbacks. |
HierarchyWindowItemCallback | Delegate to be called for every visible list item in the HierarchyWindow on every OnGUI event. |
ProjectWindowItemCallback | Delegate to be called for every visible list item in the ProjectWindow on every OnGUI event. |