activeColorSpace | Active color space. |
anisotropicFiltering | Global anisotropic filtering mode. |
antiAliasing | Set The AA Filtering option. |
billboardsFaceCameraPosition | If enabled, billboards will face towards camera position rather than camera orientation. |
blendWeights | Blend weights. |
desiredColorSpace | Desired color space. |
lodBias | Global multiplier for the LOD's switching distance. |
masterTextureLimit | A texture size limit applied to all textures. |
maximumLODLevel | A maximum LOD level. All LOD groups. |
maxQueuedFrames | Maximum number of frames queued up by graphics driver. |
names | The indexed list of available Quality Settings. |
particleRaycastBudget | Budget for how many ray casts can be performed per frame for approximate collision testing. |
pixelLightCount | The maximum number of pixel lights that should affect any object. |
realtimeReflectionProbes | Enables realtime reflection probes. |
shadowCascade2Split | The normalized cascade distribution for a 2 cascade setup. The value defines the position of the cascade with respect to Zero. |
shadowCascade4Split | The normalized cascade start position for a 4 cascade setup. Each member of the vector defines the normalized position of the coresponding cascade with respect to Zero. |
shadowCascades | Number of cascades to use for directional light shadows. |
shadowDistance | Shadow drawing distance. |
shadowProjection | Directional light shadow projection. |
softVegetation | Use a two-pass shader for the vegetation in the terrain engine. |
vSyncCount | The VSync Count. |