Legacy Documentation: Version 5.1
  • C#
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public function ShowUtility(): void;


Show the EditorWindow as a floating utility window.

Utility windows will always be in front of normal windows, and will be hidden when user switches to another application.

Note: You dont need to use EditorWindow.GetWindow() before using this function to show the window.

Floating window utility that lets you randomize the rotation of the selected objects.

#pragma strict
// Simple script that randomizes the rotation of the Selected GameObjects
// and lets you see which objects are currently selected
public class RandomizeInSelection extends EditorWindow {
	public var rotationAmount: float = 0.33F;
	public var selected: String = "";
	function RandomizeSelected() {
		for (var transform: var in Selection.transforms) {
			var rotation: Quaternion = Random.rotation;
			transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.localRotation, rotation, rotationAmount);
	function OnGUI() {
		for (var t: var in Selection.transforms) {
			selected += t.name + " ";
		EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Selected Object:", selected);
		selected = "";
		if (GUILayout.Button("Randomize!"))
		if (GUILayout.Button("Close"))
	function OnInspectorUpdate() {
	@MenuItem("Example/Randomize Children In Selection")
	static function RandomizeWindow() {
		var window: RandomizeInSelection = new RandomizeInSelection();