
Inline ActionScript support.

When targetting the Flash Player, it is often convenient to be able to execute some manually written ActionScript. Examples of this would be: talking to some flash API (think networking, sockets), running some existing ActionScript code, or integrating with some 3rd party ActionScript library. You can call "handwritten" ActionScript methods, and get return values from them most easily like this:

import UnityEngine.Flash;

function Start()
var name = "Lerpz";
var protocolversion = ActionScript.Expression.<int>("com.mycompany.mytool.GetProtocolVersionFromServer({0})", name);

You then also have to provide the ActionScript file that contains the com.mycompany.mytool actionscript class. You can do this by creating a folder called "ActionScript" anywhere in your Project Folder, and adding the ActionScript class file in there, respecting ActionScripts requirements that the path needs to match the class namespace. In this example, you would place this ActionScript file:package com.mycompany
public final class mytool
public static function GetProtocolVersionFromServer(name: String): int
//talk the the flash api here.
return 18;

Class Functions

Causes an import directive to be emitted in the ActionScript code generated for the current type.


Emits a block of ActionScript code in the current method translating variable and field references to their ActionScript names.


Emits an ActionScript expression translating variable and field references to their ActionScript names.