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Painting on Tilemaps
Tilemap Collider 2D

Select Tool

The Select Tool InspectorA Unity window that displays information about the currently selected GameObject, asset or project settings, allowing you to inspect and edit the values. More info
See in Glossary
window has the following two main sections in the Grid Selection and Modify Tilemap property settings.

Grid Selection

Use the Select Tool to select one or more cells. The Grid Selection Inspector window displays the contents and properties of the Tiles at the selected location.

Grid Selection Inspector window properties
Grid Selection Inspector window properties
Property Function
TileA simple class that allows a sprite to be rendered on a Tilemap. More info
See in Glossary
Displays the Tile currently set at the selected cell location. If you select multiple cells, and they display the same Tile, then that Tile’s name is shown. If you select multiple cells with different Tiles, this property is blank.
SpriteA 2D graphic objects. If you are used to working in 3D, Sprites are essentially just standard textures but there are special techniques for combining and managing sprite textures for efficiency and convenience during development. More info
See in Glossary
Displays the Sprite assigned to the Tile in the Tile property above. If you select multiple cells with the same Tile, then this displays the same Sprite. If you select multiple cells with different Tiles, this property is blank. This is grayed out by default, so you cannot edit it.
Color The vertex color of the Sprite. This is grayed out if Lock Color is enabled, so you cannot edit it.
Collider Type The ColliderAn invisible shape that is used to handle physical collisions for an object. A collider doesn’t need to be exactly the same shape as the object’s mesh - a rough approximation is often more efficient and indistinguishable in gameplay. More info
See in Glossary
Type of the Tiles at the selected location. This is grayed out by default and cannot be edited.
The Transforms (Position, Rotation, Scale) are grayed out if Lock Transform is enabled and cannot be edited.
Position Enter the offset (in cells) for each axis to shift the Tile Sprites along the respective axis. The Tiles’ actual cell positions on the TilemapA GameObject that allows you to quickly create 2D levels using tiles and a grid overlay. More info
See in Glossary
remain unchanged.
Rotation This rotates one or more Tile Sprites at the selected location. Enter the rotation (in degrees) for each axis to rotate the Tile Sprites around the respective axis. The Tiles’ actual cell positions on the Tilemap remain unchanged.
Scale Scales the size of one or more Tile Sprites at the selected location. Enter the factor for each axis to scale the Tile Sprite by along the respective axis. The Tiles’ actual cell positions on the Tilemap remain unchanged.
Lock Color Select this to prevent changes to the Color of the Tile, and clear this to enable the Color property. When this property is grayed out, its state remains fixed. See the Tilemaps.TileFlags set in the Tile Asset to modify this property.
Lock Transform Select this to prevent changes to the Transforms of the Tile, and clear this to enable the Transform properties. When this property is grayed out, its state remains fixed. See the Tilemaps.TileFlags set in the Tile Asset to modify this property.

Modify Tilemap

The Modify Tilemap drop-down menu provides different options for inserting or removing rows and columns of blank cells onto the Tilemap. After selecting one of the drop-down menu options, enter the number of rows or columns to insert or remove into the box and select Modify.

Modify Tilemap in the Inspector window
Modify Tilemap in the Inspector window

The following table describes each option, with links to examples showing how they affect the Tilemap. All examples are based on the following Tilemap.

Default Tilemap
This is the default Tilemap that the examples are based on.

Property Function
Insert Row Inserts one or more rows of blank cells at the selected location. Existing cells are displaced upward along the positive y-axis.
Insert Row Before Inserts one or more rows of blank cells below the selected location. Existing cells are displaced downward along the negative y-axis.
Delete Row Removes one or more rows of cells at the selected location and above. Existing cells above then collapse down to fill the space left by the deleted rows.
Delete Row Before Removes one or more rows of cells below the selected location. Existing cells below then shift upward along the positive y-axis to fill the space left by the deleted rows.
Insert Column Inserts one or more columns of blank cells at the selected location. Existing cells are displaced to the right along the positive x-axis.
Insert Column Before Inserts one or more columns of blank cells to the left of the selected cell. Existing cells are displaced to the left along the negative x-axis.
Delete Column Removes one or more columns of cells at the selected location and to its right. Existing cells then shift to the left along the negative x-axis to fill the space left by the deleted columns.
Delete Column Before Removes one or more columns of cells to the left of the selected cell. Existing cells shifted to the right along the positive x-axis to fill the space left by the deleted columns.

Examples of the different modifying Tilemap options

Insert Row

Insert Row
Left: Default Tilemap and selected cell location. Right: Insert Row.

Insert Row Before

Insert Row Before
Left: Default Tilemap and selected cell location. Right: Insert Row Before.

Delete Row

Delete Row
Left: Default Tilemap and selected cell location. Right: Delete Row.

Delete Row Before

Delete Row Before
Left: Default Tilemap and selected cell location. Right: Delete Row Before.

Insert Column

Insert Column
Left: Default Tilemap and selected cell location. Right: Insert Column.

Insert Column Before

Insert Column Before
Left: Default Tilemap and selected cell location. Right: Insert Column Before.

Delete Column

Delete ColumnLeft: Default Tilemap and selected cell location. Right: Delete Column.

Delete Column Before

Delete Column Before
Left: Default Tilemap and selected cell location. Right: Delete Column Before.

Multiple cell selection

When multiple cells are selected, the lower-leftmost cell is the main point of reference when applying the Modify Tilemap options. See the following examples of selecting multiple cells then modifying the Tilemap.

Insert Row with multiple selected cells
Left: Default Tilemap with multiple cells selected. Right: Insert Row.

Insert Column with multiple selected cells
Left: Default Tilemap with multiple cells selected. Right: Insert Column.

Delete Row with multiple selected cells
Left: Default Tilemap with multiple cells selected. Right: Delete Row.

Delete Column with multiple selected cells
Left: Default Tilemap with multiple cells selected. Right: Delete Column.

  • 2020–01–07
  • Updated Select Tool functionality in Unity 2020.1 NewIn20201
Painting on Tilemaps
Tilemap Collider 2D