Version: 2017.3


class in UnityEngine


Hereda de:ScriptableObject

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Defines how GUI looks and behaves.

GUISkin contains GUI settings and a collection of GUIStyle objects that together specify GUI skin.

Active GUI skin is get and set through


boxStyle used by default for GUI.Box controls.
buttonStyle used by default for GUI.Button controls.
customStylesArray of GUI styles for specific needs.
fontLa fuente por defecto para todos los estilos.
horizontalScrollbarStyle used by default for the background part of GUI.HorizontalScrollbar controls.
horizontalScrollbarLeftButtonStyle used by default for the left button on GUI.HorizontalScrollbar controls.
horizontalScrollbarRightButtonStyle used by default for the right button on GUI.HorizontalScrollbar controls.
horizontalScrollbarThumbStyle used by default for the thumb that is dragged in GUI.HorizontalScrollbar controls.
horizontalSliderStyle used by default for the background part of GUI.HorizontalSlider controls.
horizontalSliderThumbStyle used by default for the thumb that is dragged in GUI.HorizontalSlider controls.
labelStyle used by default for GUI.Label controls.
scrollViewStyle used by default for the background of ScrollView controls (see GUI.BeginScrollView).
settingsGeneric settings for how controls should behave with this skin.
textAreaStyle used by default for GUI.TextArea controls.
textFieldStyle used by default for GUI.TextField controls.
toggleStyle used by default for GUI.Toggle controls.
verticalScrollbarStyle used by default for the background part of GUI.VerticalScrollbar controls.
verticalScrollbarDownButtonStyle used by default for the down button on GUI.VerticalScrollbar controls.
verticalScrollbarThumbStyle used by default for the thumb that is dragged in GUI.VerticalScrollbar controls.
verticalScrollbarUpButtonStyle used by default for the up button on GUI.VerticalScrollbar controls.
verticalSliderStyle used by default for the background part of GUI.VerticalSlider controls.
verticalSliderThumbStyle used by default for the thumb that is dragged in GUI.VerticalSlider controls.
windowStyle used by default for Window controls (SA GUI.Window).

Funciones Públicas

FindStyleTry to search for a GUIStyle. This functions returns NULL and does not give an error.
GetStyleGet a named GUIStyle.

Miembros heredados


hideFlags¿Debería el objeto estar oculto, guardado con la escena o modificable por el usuario?
nameEl nombre del objeto.

Funciones Públicas

GetInstanceIDDevuelve el id de la instancia del objeto.
ToStringReturns the name of the GameObject.

Funciones Estáticas

DestroyElimina un gameobject, componente o asset.
DestroyImmediateDestroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead.
DontDestroyOnLoadHace que el objeto target no sea destruido automáticamente cuando se cargue una nueva escena.
FindObjectOfTypeDevuelve el primer objeto activo cargado de tipo type.
FindObjectsOfTypeDevuelve una lista de todos los objetos activos cargados de tipo type.
InstantiateClona el objeto original y devuelve el clon.
CreateInstanceCrea una instancia de un objeto scriptable.


bool¿Existe el objeto?
operator !=Compare si dos objetos se refieren a un objeto diferente.
operator ==Compara dos referencias de objeto para ver si se refieren al mismo objeto.


AwakeEsta función se llama cuando el script ScriptableObject empieza.
OnDestroyEsta función se llama cuando el objeto scriptable se destruirá.
OnDisableEsta función se llama cuando el objeto scriptable se va fuera del alcance (scope).
OnEnableEsta función se llama cuando el objeto es cargado.