struct in UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering
Parameters controlling culling process in CullResults.
Typical use case is to compute culling parameters from Camera data, see CullResults.GetCullingParameters.
cameraProperties | Camera Properties used for culling. |
cullingFlags | Culling Flags for the culling. |
cullingMask | CullingMask used for culling. |
cullingMatrix | CullingMatrix used for culling. |
cullingPlaneCount | Number of culling planes to use. |
cullStereoProj | The projection matrix generated for single-pass stereo culling. |
cullStereoSeparation | Distancia entre los ojos virtuales. |
cullStereoView | The view matrix generated for single-pass stereo culling. |
isOrthographic | Is the cull orthographic. |
layerCull | Layers to cull. |
lodParameters | LODParameters for culling. |
position | Position for the origin of th cull. |
reflectionProbeSortOptions | Reflection Probe Sort options for the cull. |
sceneMask | Scene Mask to use for the cull. |
shadowDistance | Shadow distance to use for the cull. |
GetCullingPlane | Fetch the culling plane at the given index. |
GetLayerCullDistance | Get the distance for the culling of a specific layer. |
SetCullingPlane | Set the culling plane at a given index. |
SetLayerCullDistance | Set the distance for the culling of a specific layer. |