包含基本 FrameTimings 并且随附相关数据的结构。
cpuFrameTime | This is the total CPU frame time calculated as the time between ends of two frames, which includes all waiting time and overheads, in ms. |
cpuMainThreadFrameTime | Total time between start of the frame and when the main thread finished the job, in ms. |
cpuMainThreadPresentWaitTime | The CPU time the last frame spent in waiting for Present on the main thread, in ms. |
cpuRenderThreadFrameTime | The frame time between start of the work on the render thread and when Present was called, in ms. |
cpuTimeFrameComplete | 这是 CPU 时钟时间,此时 GPU 完成了帧渲染并且中断了 CPU。 |
cpuTimePresentCalled | 这是 CPU 时钟时间,此时为当前帧调用了 Present。 |
firstSubmitTimestamp | This is the CPU clock time of the time when the first job was submitted to GPU. |
frameStartTimestamp | This is the CPU clock time of the time when the frame was started. |
gpuFrameTime | 给定帧的 GPU 时间(单位为 ms)。 |
heightScale | 这是用于给定帧和关联帧计时的动态分辨率系统(如果使用)的高度缩放因子。 |
syncInterval | 这是用于给定帧和关联帧计时的 vsync 模式。 |
widthScale | 这是用于给定帧和关联帧计时的动态分辨率系统(如果使用)的宽度缩放因子。 |