Configures how Unity bakes lighting and can be assigned to a LightingSettings instance or asset.
Note that Unity's built-in Lightmap Parameters Assets are read-only.
Additional resources: LightmapParameters.SetLightmapParametersForLightingSettings.
antiAliasingSamples | The kernel width the lightmapper uses when sampling a lightmap texel. |
AOAntiAliasingSamples | 对纹理像素进行超级采样以减少 AO 中锯齿的最大次数。 |
AOQuality | 要在计算环境光遮蔽时投射的光线数量。 |
backFaceTolerance | 必须照射到正面才会被视为可用的射线原点发射光线的百分比。 |
bakedLightmapTag | BakedLightmapTag 是一个整数,可影响对烘焙光照贴图的分配。即使其他烘焙参数相同,系统也保证不会将具有不同 bakedLightmapTag 值的对象分配给同一光照贴图。 |
blurRadius | 用于模糊烘焙直射光的后处理过滤器的半径(以纹理像素为单位)。 |
clusterResolution | Controls the resolution at which Enlighten Realtime Global Illumination stores and can transfer input light. |
directLightQuality | 用于某个区域内光源的光线数量。允许准确的柔和阴影。 |
irradianceBudget | The amount of data used for Enlighten Realtime Global Illumination texels. Specifies how detailed view of the Scene a texel has. Small values mean more averaged out lighting. |
irradianceQuality | 要在计算辐照度形状因子时投射的光线数量。 |
isTransparent | 如果启用此属性,在 GlobalIllumination 光照计算期间,对象显示将为透明。 |
limitLightmapCount | 如果启用,同享相同光照贴图参数的对象将打包到 LightmapParameters.maxLightmapCount 光照贴图中。 |
maxLightmapCount | The maximum number of lightmaps created for objects sharing the same lightmap parameters. This property is ignored if LightmapParameters.limitLightmapCount is false. |
modellingTolerance | GI 可忽略的间隙的最大大小(像素大小的乘数)。 |
pushoff | The distance to offset the ray origin from the geometry when performing ray tracing, in modelling units. Unity applies the offset to all baked lighting: direct lighting, indirect lighting, environment lighting and ambient occlusion. |
resolution | The texel resolution per meter used for real-time lightmaps. This value is multiplied by LightingSettings.indirectResolution. |
stitchEdges | 是否应将成对的边缘缝合在一起。 |
systemTag | System tag is an integer identifier. It lets you force an object into a different Enlighten Realtime Global Illumination system even though all the other parameters are the same. |
AssignToLightingSettings | Assignes itself to a LightingSettings instance or asset. |
GetLightmapParametersForLightingSettings | Returns the assigned LightmapParameters for the specified LightingSettings. |
SetLightmapParametersForLightingSettings | Sets the LightmapParameters for the specified LightingSettings. |
GetInstanceID | Gets the instance ID of the object. |
ToString | 返回对象的名称。 |
Destroy | 移除 GameObject、组件或资源。 |
DestroyImmediate | 立即销毁对象 /obj/。强烈建议您改用 Destroy。 |
DontDestroyOnLoad | 在加载新的 Scene 时,请勿销毁 Object。 |
FindAnyObjectByType | Retrieves any active loaded object of Type type. |
FindFirstObjectByType | Retrieves the first active loaded object of Type type. |
FindObjectsByType | Retrieves a list of all loaded objects of Type type. |
Instantiate | 克隆 original 对象并返回克隆对象。 |
bool | 该对象是否存在? |
operator != | 比较两个对象是否引用不同的对象。 |
operator == | 比较两个对象引用,判断它们是否引用同一个对象。 |