Version: 2022.2


class in UnityEditor.Profiling



Base funtionality for accessing the Profiler data.

Provides base access to the Profiler data for a specific frame and thread.

See Also: RawFrameDataView, HierarchyFrameDataView.


invalidMarkerIdIdentifier of the invalid marker.
invalidThreadIdThis constant defines a thread id that does not match any valid thread's id.
invalidThreadIndexThis constant defines a thread index that does not match any valid thread's index.


frameFpsThe current frames per second (FPS) for the frame.
frameGpuTimeMsGPU 帧时间量(以毫秒为单位)。
frameGpuTimeNsThe amount of GPU frame time in nanoseconds.
frameIndexThe frame index for the FrameDataView.
frameStartTimeMsThe start time of CPU frame in milliseconds.
frameStartTimeNsThe start time of CPU frame in nanoseconds.
frameTimeMsCPU 帧时间量(以毫秒为单位)。
frameTimeNsThe amount of CPU frame time in nanoseconds.
maxDepthMaximum child samples levels in the thread data.
sampleCountThe amount of samples in the frame for the thread.
valid在线程的帧数据已经过处理并准备好进行获取之后,为 True。


GetAllCategoriesGets all the available Profiler Categories for the current profiling session.
GetCategoryInfoGets the Profiler category information for a given category ID.
GetCounterValueAsDoubleGets the last value of a counter marker in the frame as a double data type'.
GetCounterValueAsFloatGets the last value of a counter marker in the frame as a float data type'.
GetCounterValueAsIntGets the last value of a counter marker in the frame as an int data type'.
GetCounterValueAsLongGets the last value of a counter marker in the frame as a long data type.
GetCounterValuePtrGets unsafe pointer to the last value of a counter marker in the frame.
GetFrameMetaDataCount获取帧中每个 ID 和标签 对的元数据块总数。
GetGfxResourceInfoGets information for a given graphics resource identifier.
GetMarkerCategoryIndexGets Profiler marker category for the specific marker identifier.
GetMarkerFlagsGets Profiler marker flags for the specific marker identifier.
GetMarkerIdGet Profiler marker identifier for a specific name.
GetMarkerMetadataInfoGets Profiler marker metadata information for the specific marker identifier.
GetMarkerNameGets Profiler marker name for the specific marker identifier.
GetMarkersGets all available markers for the current profiling session.
GetSessionMetaDataRetrieves the metadata of the session this frame occurred in as a NativeArray.
GetSessionMetaDataCountGets the total number of metadata chunks for each id and tag pair in the Profiler session.
GetUnityObjectInfoGets the UnityEngine.Object information for a given Instance ID.
GetUnityObjectNativeTypeInfoGets native Unity type intormation.
GetUnityObjectNativeTypeInfoCountReturns native types count in the capture.
HasCounterValueReturns true for a marker that includes a counter in the active frame.

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