Version: 2022.2


class in UnityEditor.Search




SearchProvider manages search for specific types of items and manages all fields of a SearchItem such as thumbnails, descriptions, subfilters.

A first example that allows to search for specific prefabs and insert them in the scene.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Search;
using UnityEngine;

static class TreeSearchProvider
    internal static string id = "example_tree";

    internal static SearchProvider CreateProvider()
        return new SearchProvider("example_tree", "Trees")
            filterId = "tree:",
            priority = 99999, // Put example provider at a low priority
            showDetailsOptions = ShowDetailsOptions.Inspector | ShowDetailsOptions.Actions,
            fetchItems = (context, items, provider) => FetchItems(context, provider),
            fetchThumbnail = (item, context) => AssetDatabase.GetCachedIcon( as Texture2D,
            fetchPreview = (item, context, size, options) => AssetDatabase.GetCachedIcon( as Texture2D,
            fetchLabel = (item, context) => AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(,
            fetchDescription = (item, context) => AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(,
            toObject = (item, type) => AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(,

    private static IEnumerable<SearchItem> FetchItems(SearchContext context, SearchProvider provider)
        if (context.empty)
            yield break;

        // Yield items asynchronously which is the recommended way.
        foreach (var guid in AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Prefab tree " + context.searchQuery))
            yield return provider.CreateItem(context, AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid), null, null, null, null);

    internal static IEnumerable<SearchAction> ActionHandlers()
        yield return new SearchAction(id, "Insert tree", null, "Insert a single tree in scene", (SearchItem item) => InsertPrefab(;

    static GameObject InsertPrefab(string path)
        return (GameObject)PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(
            Selection.activeGameObject != null ? Selection.activeGameObject.transform : null);

Another example that allows to search for lights and modify them. This provider uses another provider to get the lights.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Search;
using UnityEngine;

static class LightsSearchProvider
    internal static SearchProvider CreateProvider()
        return new SearchProvider("example_lights", "Lights")
            filterId = "z:",
            priority = 99999, // Put example provider at a low priority
            showDetailsOptions = ShowDetailsOptions.Inspector,
            fetchItems = (context, items, provider) => FetchItems(context, provider),
            toObject = (item, type) => as Light,

            // This provider can be used in the scene view contextually.
            isEnabledForContextualSearch = () => IsFocusedWindowTypeName("SceneView")

    static IEnumerable<SearchItem> FetchItems(SearchContext context, SearchProvider provider)
        if (context.empty)
            yield break;

        var sceneProvider = SearchService.GetProvider("scene");
        using (var sceneQuery = SearchService.CreateContext(sceneProvider, $"t:light {context.searchQuery}"))
        using (var results = SearchService.Request(sceneQuery))
            var lightIcon = EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture("Lighting");
            foreach (var r in results)
                if (r == null)
                    // ***IMPORTANT***: Make sure to yield so you do not block the main thread waiting for results.
                    yield return null;
                    yield return provider.CreateItem(context,,
                        r.GetLabel(sceneQuery, true), r.GetDescription(sceneQuery, true),
                        lightIcon, r.ToObject<GameObject>().GetComponent<Light>());

    static bool IsFocusedWindowTypeName(string focusWindowName)
        return EditorWindow.focusedWindow != null && EditorWindow.focusedWindow.GetType().ToString().EndsWith("." + focusWindowName);

    [MenuItem("Examples/SearchProvider/Show lights")]
    public static void ShowLights()
        // Search for directional lights (lights with "directional" in their name)


actionsSearch provider actions.
activeIndicates if the search provider is active or not. Inactive search providers are ignored by the search service. The active state can be toggled in the search settings.
fetchColumnsHandler used to enumerate search columns to be used in the Search Table view.
fetchDescriptionHandler to provide an asynchronous description for an item. Is called when the item is about to be displayed. Allows a plugin provider to only fetch long descriptions when they are needed.
fetchItemsMANDATORY: Handler to get items for a given search context. The return value is an object that can be of type IEnumerable or IEnumerator. The enumeration of those objects should return SearchItems.
fetchLabelHandler used to fetch and format the label of a search item.
fetchPreviewSimilar to fetchThumbnail, fetchPreview usually returns a bigger preview. The Search UI will progressively show one preview each frame, preventing the UI from blocking if many previews need to be generated at the same time.
fetchPropositionsHandler used to enumerate search propositions when the user is using TAB to auto-complete a query.
fetchThumbnailHandler to provide an asynchronous thumbnail for an item. Is called when the item is about to be displayed. Compared to preview a thumbnail should be small and returned as fast as possible. Use fetchPreview if you want to generate a preview that is bigger and slower to return. Allows a plugin provider to only fetch/generate previews when they are needed.
filterIdText token used to "filter" by search provider (ex: "me:", "p:", "s:").
idSearch provider unique ID.
isEnabledForContextualSearchCalled when search is invoked in "contextual mode". Returns true if the search provider is enabled for this search context.
isExplicitProviderThis search provider is only active when specified explicitly using the filterId.
nameUnique ID of the search provider.
onDisableCalled when the SearchWindow is closed. Allows the search provider to release cached resources.
onEnableCalled when the SearchWindow is opened. Allows the search provider to perform some caching.
priorityHint to sort the search provider. Affects the order of search results and the order in which search providers are shown in the FilterWindow.
showDetailsIndicates if the search provider can show additional details or not.
showDetailsOptionsDefines the details options to be shown.
startDragIf implemented, the item supports drag. It is up to the SearchProvider to properly set up the DragAndDrop manager.
toObjectReturns any valid Unity object held by the search item.
trackSelectionCalled when the selection changed and can be tracked.
typeThe search provider type can be another search provider id that provider is based on. This is used when we have multiple groups in the search view that list results from a similar provider.


SearchProviderCreate a new SearchProvider.


CreateItemHelper function to create a new search item for the current search provider.

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