Version: 2022.2


class in UnityEngine.Rendering




启用渲染管线时,设置处于活动状态的受支持渲染功能。这将更改编辑器 UI 的状态,以反映所做的更改。


active获取/设置 SupportedRenderingFeature。


autoAmbientProbeBakingDetermines if this renderer supports automatic ambient probe generation.
autoDefaultReflectionProbeBakingDetermines if this renderer supports automatic default reflection probe generation.
defaultMixedLightingModes如果用户之前选择的模式不再可用,则这是回退模式。请参阅 SupportedRenderingFeatures.mixedLightingModes。
editableMaterialRenderQueue确定可编程渲染管线是否将覆盖默认材质的渲染队列设置,如果为 true,则在 Inspector 中隐藏渲染队列属性。
enlightenDetermines if Enlighten Realtime Global Illumination lightmapper is supported by the currently selected pipeline. If it is not supported, Enlighten-specific settings do not appear in the Editor, which then defaults to the CPU Lightmapper.
lightmapBakeTypes受支持的烘焙类型。不受支持的类型将从 UI 中隐藏。请参阅 LightmapBakeType。
lightmapsModes指定受支持的模式。至少一个。请参阅 LightmapsMode。
mixedLightingModes指定受支持的 LightmapMixedBakeModes。如果支持多种模式,请定义 SupportedRenderingFeatures.defaultMixedLightingModes。
overridesEnableLODCrossFadeSpecifies whether the renderer overrides the Enable LOD Cross Fade settings in the Quality Settings Panel. If It does, the renderer does not need the built-in UI for Enable LOD Cross Fade settings.
overridesEnvironmentLighting确定渲染器是否将重载环境光照并且不再需要内置 UI。
overridesFog确定渲染器是否将重载 Lighting 面板中的雾效设置并且不再需要内置 UI。
overridesLightProbeSystemDetermines if the renderer will override the light probe system with a different one.
overridesLightProbeSystemWarningMessageThe message to display in the LightProbeGroup editor if the light probe system is overridden by the renderer.
overridesLODBias指定渲染器是否覆盖 Quality Settings 面板中的 LOD 偏差设置。如果是,则渲染器不需要内置 UI 来进行 LOD 偏差设置。
overridesMaximumLODLevel指定渲染器是否覆盖 Quality Settings 面板中的最大 LOD 级别设置。如果是,则渲染器不需要内置 UI 来进行最大 LOD 级别设置。
overridesOtherLightingSettings确定渲染器是否将重载 Lighting 面板中的光环和光晕设置并且不再需要内置 UI。
overridesRealtimeReflectionProbesSpecifies whether the render pipeline overrides the real-time Reflection Probes settings in the Quality settings. If It does, the render pipeline does not need the built-in UI for real-time Reflection Probes settings.
overridesShadowmaskSpecifies whether the render pipeline overrides the Shadowmask settings in the Quality settings.
particleSystemInstancingDetermines if the renderer supports Particle System GPU instancing.
reflectionProbesBlendDistanceIf this property is true, the blend distance field in the Reflection Probe Inspector window is editable.
rendererProbesDetermines whether the Renderer supports probe lighting.
rendersUIOverlayDetermines whether the function to render UI overlays is called by SRP and not by the engine.
supportsHDRIf True, the renderer supports HDR display output.

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