Version: 2017.1
Custom Event Scripting
Remote Settings



  • 首次用户体验 — 跟踪新玩家完成游戏入门序列的情况
  • 游戏进度 — 跟踪玩家通过游戏内重要步骤(例如完成关卡)的情况
  • 购买 UI — 暴露进行购买时面临的障碍

漏斗图基于标准自定义事件。Unity Analytics 根据是否已使用正确参数值分发所定义的标准事件或自定义事件来评估漏斗图中的每个步骤。为了让用户进入漏斗图并在其中取得进展,他们必须按照漏斗图步骤出现在漏斗图中的准确顺序完成这些步骤。

在 Analytics Dashboard 上创建漏斗图。

*重要信息:Unity Analytics 在处理传入数据时会评估漏斗图中定义的规则。新建漏斗图时,不会重新评估现有数据。只有在创建漏斗图后收到的数据才会显示在 Funnel Analyzer 报告中。



1.在游戏中添加必要的__标准事件__或__自定义事件__。 2.运行游戏,以便将每个事件的至少一个实例分发到 Unity Analytics 系统。您可以在运行游戏时在 Unity Editor 中执行此步骤。 3.等待 Unity Analytics 处理事件(大约 8–16 小时)。

在分发要包含在漏斗图中的标准事件和自定义事件的至少一个实例并等待处理这些事件之后,请按照以下步骤在 Analytics Dashboard 上创建漏斗图规则:

  1. On the Unity Analytics Dashboard, click the Funnel Analyzer tab.
  2. Enter a Name and, optionally, a Description for your funnel.
  3. For each step in the linear sequence of events you want to track and analyze: 1.单击 + Funnel Step。(前两步是自动创建的,因为漏斗图始终需要比较至少两个进展阶段。) 2.选择 Standard Event__(标准事件)或 Custom Event__(自定义事件)名称。此处仅列出游戏实例已分发并处理的事件。 3.设置 Parameters(参数)规则(可选)。
  4. Click Save.

注意:在单击 Save 之后,无法修改漏斗图步骤。但是,可创建漏斗图副本并修改副本的步骤。此限制的原因是,更改现有漏斗图的规则会使该漏斗图中包含的任何现有数据无效。

阅读 Funnel Analyzer 报告

Analytics Dashboard 的 Funnel Analyzer 选项卡会列出已创建的漏斗图。

检查 Members 列可以查看有多少玩家已进入该漏斗图。 Funnel Analyzer 报告有两个部分:__Funnel__ 图表和 Drilldown 部分,其中会提供有关漏斗图数据的更多详细信息。

Funnel chart

The Funnel chart provides an immediate overview of how players have progressed through the sequence of steps tracked by the funnel. Unexpected drop-offs between steps indicate good places to investigate game play, user interface, or other issues that block players from continuing to the next step.

A funnel chart
A funnel chart

以上示例显示了基于 level_complete 事件的漏斗图。此示例表现出在早期关卡中玩家人数大幅下降。该图表无法确切告知具体问题(关卡可能太难,也可能太容易),但可以告知您从何处着手寻找游戏问题。

Drilldown Sections

Located below the Funnel chart, the Drilldown sections provide more detail about the players and data in the funnel. There are three types of drilldown section: Segments Overview, Funnel Detail, and Parameters Overview. Use the Drilldown Type drop-down list to choose a section.

Click the CSV button to download a comma-separated value file containing the funnel data including all the segments. (The data in this file is the same no matter which Drilldown Type you select.)

Segments Overview

The Segments Overview type displays a tabular form of the funnel chart.

The Segment Overview Drilldown section
The Segment Overview Drilldown section

You can select different segment categories in the Segment list to see how funnel performance compares across both standard segments and any custom segments you have defined. The drilldown table lists the percentage of your player population who have successfully completed the entire sequence after the segment name. The table lists the percentage who have moved from one step to the next after the player count for each step.

Funnel Detail

The Funnel Detail type compares consecutive steps in the funnel over time. Select two consecutive steps to compare using the Funnel Step list.

The Funnel Detail Drilldown section
The Funnel Detail Drilldown section

The Conversion plot on the graph shows the percentage of players who completed the first step who also completed the second step.

Parameters Overview

The Parameters Overview type displays the average values of any numeric parameters dispatched with the funnel step’s event. Use the Funnel Step to choose the step to view. Select a Segment to compare the values across segments.

The Parameters Overview Drilldown section
The Parameters Overview Drilldown section

  • 2017–08–29 页面已发布并进行了编辑审查
  • Unity 2017.1 中的新功能
Custom Event Scripting
Remote Settings