Version: 2017.1
渲染模式 (Rendering Mode)
Specular 模式:Specular 参数



Albedo 参数控制着表面的基色。


为 Albedo 值指定单一颜色有时很有用,但为 Albedo 参数指定纹理贴图的做法更为常见。纹理贴图应表示对象表面的颜色。必须注意的是,反照率纹理应包含任何光照,因为光照将根据看到对象的上下文添加到纹理中。

Two examples of typical Albedo texture maps. On the left is a texture map for a character model, and on the right is a wooden crate. Notice there are no shadows or lighting highlights.
Two examples of typical Albedo texture maps. On the left is a texture map for a character model, and on the right is a wooden crate. Notice there are no shadows or lighting highlights.


反照率颜色的 Alpha 值控制着材质的透明度级别。仅当材质的 Rendering Mode(渲染模式)设置为 Opaque 之外的 Transparent 模式之一时,此设置才有效。如上所述,选择正确的透明度模式非常重要,因为此模式可确定您是否仍然会看到处于全值状态的反射和镜面高光,或它们是否也会根据透明度值淡出。

A range of transparency values from 0 to 1, using the Transparent mode suitable for realistic transparent objects
A range of transparency values from 0 to 1, using the Transparent mode suitable for realistic transparent objects

使用为 Albedo 参数指定的纹理时,可通过确保反照率纹理图像具有 Alpha 通道来控制材质的透明度。Alpha 通道值映射到透明度级别,其中以白色表示完全不透明,黑色表示完全透明。这将使材质可具有透明度不同的区域。

An imported texture with RGB channels and an Alpha Channel. You can click the RGB/A button as shown to toggle which channels of the image you are previewing.
An imported texture with RGB channels and an Alpha Channel. You can click the RGB/A button as shown to toggle which channels of the image you are previewing.
The end result, peering through a broken window into a building. The gaps in the glass are totally transparent, while the glass shards are partially transparent and the frame is fully opaque.
The end result, peering through a broken window into a building. The gaps in the glass are totally transparent, while the glass shards are partially transparent and the frame is fully opaque.
渲染模式 (Rendering Mode)
Specular 模式:Specular 参数