Version: 2017.1
Importing Assets

Primitive and Placeholder Objects

Unity can work with 3D models of any shape that can be created with modelling software. However, there are also a number of primitive object types that can be created directly within Unity, namely the Cube, Sphere, Capsule, Cylinder, Plane and Quad. These objects are often useful in their own right (a plane is commonly used as a flat ground surface, for example) but they also offer a quick way to create placeholders and prototypes for testing purposes. Any of the primitives can be added to the scene using the appropriate item on the GameObject > 3D Object menu.




这是一个单位直径(即 0.5 单位半径)的球体,经过纹理化后使整个图像环绕一次,让顶部和底部“收缩”到两极。球体显然可用于表示球、行星和飞弹,但半透明球体也可制作一个很好的 GUI 工具来表示效果的半径。




This is a simple cylinder which is two units high and one unit in diameter, textured so that the image wraps once around the tube shape of the body but also appears separately in the two flat, circular ends. Cylinders are very handy for creating posts, rods and wheels but you should note that the shape of the collider is actually a capsule (there is no primitive cylinder collider in Unity). You should create a mesh of the appropriate shape in a modelling program and attach a mesh collider if you need an accurate cylindrical collider for physics purposes.


这是一个边长为十个单位的扁平正方形,位于局部坐标空间的 XZ 平面内。平面经过纹理化后使整个图像在正方形内只出现一次。平面适用于表示大多数平坦表面,例如地板和墙壁。有时也需要使用表面在 GUI 和特殊效果中显示图像或电影。虽然平面_可以_用于这样的目的,但更简单的__四边形__原始对象通常更适合此类任务。


四边形原始对象类似于平面,但其边长仅为一个单位,并且表面位于局部坐标空间的 XY 平面中。此外,四边形仅分为两个三角形,而平面包含两百个。在场景对象必须仅用作图像或电影的显示屏幕的情况下,四边形非常有用。简单的 GUI 和信息显示面板可以使用四边形实现,而粒子、精灵和“冒充者”图像(替代远处观看的实体对象)也可以用四边形实现。

Importing Assets