Version: 2018.3 (switch to 2019.1 )
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HoloLens video capture

Use the VideoCapture API to record videos directly to the file system in the MP4 format. Please note that the VideoCapture API does not work in the Unity Editor.

You must enable the WebCam and Microphone capabilities to use the VideoCapture API. The following example records a 5 second video and saves it to the file system.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine.XR.WSA.WebCam;

public class VideoCaptureExample : MonoBehaviour
    static readonly float MaxRecordingTime = 5.0f;

    VideoCapture m_VideoCapture = null;
    float m_stopRecordingTimer = float.MaxValue;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()


    void Update()
        if (m_VideoCapture == null || !m_VideoCapture.IsRecording)

        if (Time.time > m_stopRecordingTimer)

    void StartVideoCaptureTest()

        Resolution cameraResolution = VideoCapture.SupportedResolutions.OrderByDescending((res) => res.width * res.height).First();

        float cameraFramerate = VideoCapture.GetSupportedFrameRatesForResolution(cameraResolution).OrderByDescending((fps) => fps).First();

        VideoCapture.CreateAsync(false, delegate (VideoCapture videoCapture)
            if (videoCapture != null)
                m_VideoCapture = videoCapture;
                Debug.Log("Created VideoCapture Instance!");

                CameraParameters cameraParameters = new CameraParameters();
                cameraParameters.hologramOpacity = 0.0f;
                cameraParameters.frameRate = cameraFramerate;
                cameraParameters.cameraResolutionWidth = cameraResolution.width;
                cameraParameters.cameraResolutionHeight = cameraResolution.height;
                cameraParameters.pixelFormat = CapturePixelFormat.BGRA32;

                Debug.LogError("Failed to create VideoCapture Instance!");

    void OnStartedVideoCaptureMode(VideoCapture.VideoCaptureResult result)
        Debug.Log("Started Video Capture Mode!");
        string timeStamp = Time.time.ToString().Replace(".", "").Replace(":", "");
        string filename = string.Format("TestVideo_{0}.mp4", timeStamp);
        string filepath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, filename);
        filepath = filepath.Replace("/", @"\");
        m_VideoCapture.StartRecordingAsync(filepath, OnStartedRecordingVideo);

    void OnStoppedVideoCaptureMode(VideoCapture.VideoCaptureResult result)
        Debug.Log("Stopped Video Capture Mode!");

    void OnStartedRecordingVideo(VideoCapture.VideoCaptureResult result)
        Debug.Log("Started Recording Video!");
        m_stopRecordingTimer = Time.time + MaxRecordingTime;

    void OnStoppedRecordingVideo(VideoCapture.VideoCaptureResult result)
        Debug.Log("Stopped Recording Video!");

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  • HoloLens photo capture
    HoloLens Spatial Mapping