Version: 2018.4
Справка по Визуальным Эффектам
Блик (Lens Flare)


Halos are light areas around light sources, used to give the impression of small dust particles in the air.


Свойство: Функция:
Color Цвет Halo
Size Размер Halo


You can add a Halo component to a Light object and then set its size and color properties to give the desired glowing effect. A Light component can also be set to display a halo without a separate Halo component by enabling its Draw Halo property.


  • To see Halos in the scene view, check Fx button in the Scene View Toolbar.
  • To override the shader used for Flares, open the Graphics window and set Light Halo to the shader that you would like to use as the override.
A Light with a separate Halo Component
A Light with a separate Halo Component
Справка по Визуальным Эффектам
Блик (Lens Flare)