Version: 5.6
Graphics Settings
Tags and Layers

Script Execution Order 设置

By default, the Awake, OnEnable and Update functions of different scripts are called in the order the scripts are loaded (which is arbitrary). However, it is possible to modify this order using the Script Execution Order settings (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Script Execution Order).

可使用加号“+”按钮将脚本添加到 Inspector 中,并可通过拖动来更改其相对顺序。请注意,可以将脚本拖动到 Default Time 栏的上方或下方;上方的脚本将在默认时间之前执行,而下方的脚本将在默认时间之后执行。对话框中从上到下的脚本顺序决定了脚本的执行顺序。不在对话框中的所有脚本都以任意顺序在默认时隙中执行。


Graphics Settings
Tags and Layers