Version: 5.6
粒子系统 (Particle System) 主模块
Shape module

Emission 模块



属性 功能
Rate over Time 每个时间单位发射的粒子数。
Rate over Distance 每个移动距离单位发射的粒子数。
Bursts 爆发是指生成粒子的事件。通过这些设置可允许在指定时间发射粒子。
    Time 设置发射爆发粒子的时间(粒子系统开始播放后的秒数)。
    Min Set a value for the minimum number of particles that may be emitted.
    Max Set a value for the maximum number of particles that may be emitted.
    Cycles 设置播放爆发次数的值。
    Interval 设置触发每个爆发周期的间隔时间(以秒为单位)的值。


The rate of emission can be constant or can vary over the lifetime of the system according to a curve. If Rate over Distance mode is active, a certain number of particles are released per unit of distance moved by the parent object. This is very useful for simulating particles that are actually created by the motion of the object (for example, dust from a car’s wheels on a dirt track). Note that Distance mode is only applied when Simulation Space is set to World in the Particle System section.

如果激活 Rate over Time 模式,则无论父对象如何移动,每秒都会发射所需数量的粒子。此外,还可添加在特定时间出现的额外粒子爆发(例如,蒸汽火车烟囱产生一股股的烟雾)。

粒子系统 (Particle System) 主模块
Shape module