Importing Objects From Lightwave
Importing Objects From SketchUp

Importing objects from Blender

Unity natively imports Blender files, supporting the following:

  • 所有节点以及位置、旋转和缩放;轴心点和名称也会导入
  • 网格以及顶点、多边形、三角形、UV 和法线
  • 骨骼
  • 蒙皮网格
  • 动画

See Using Blender and Rigify for more details of how to import animated, boned characters into Unity for animating.


纹理和漫射颜色不会自动分配。将纹理拖动到 Unity __Scene 视图__中的网格上来手动分配它们。

Blender 不会在 FBX 文件中导出动画内的可见性值。


You need to have Blender installed to import .blend files.

If you don’t have Blender installed, use the .FBX format instead. For more information about importing FBX files, see Importing models.

Behind the import process

When Unity imports a Blender file, it launches Blender in the background. Unity then communicates with Blender to convert the .blend file into a format Unity can read.

The first time you import a .blend file into Unity, Blender has to launch in a command line process. This can take a while, but subsequent imports are very quick.

  • 2018–03–12 页面已修订并只进行了有限的编辑审查
Importing Objects From Lightwave
Importing Objects From SketchUp