Unity 有一个丰富而复杂的动画系统(有时称为“Mecanim”)。该系统具有以下功能:
Unity’s animation system is based on the concept of Animation Clips, which contain information about how certain objects should change their position, rotation, or other properties over time. Each clip can be thought of as a single linear recording. Animation clips from external sources are created by artists or animators with 3rd party tools such as Max or Maya, or come from motion capture studios or other sources.
Animation Clips are then organised into a structured flowchart-like system called an Animator Controller. The Animator Controller acts as a “State Machine” which keeps track of which clip should currently be playing, and when the animations should change or blend together.
一个非常简单的 Animator Controller 可能只包含一个或两个剪辑,例如,使用此剪辑来控制能量块旋转和弹跳,或设置正确时间开门和关门的动画。一个更高级的 Animator Controller 可包含用于主角所有动作的几十段人形动画,并可能同时在多个剪辑之间进行混合,从而当玩家在场景中移动时提供流畅的动作。
Unity’s Animation system also has numerous special features for handling humanoid characters which give you the ability to retarget humanoid animation from any source (Eg. motion capture, the asset store, or some other third-party animation library) to your own character model, as well as adjusting muscle definitions. These special features are enabled by Unity’s Avatar system, where humanoid characters are mapped to a common internal format.
Each of these pieces - the Animation Clips, the Animator Controller, and the Avatar, are brought together on a GameObject via the Animator Component. This component has a reference to an Animator Controller, and (if required) the Avatar for this model. The Animator Controller, in turn, contains the references to the Animation Clips it uses.
Unity’s animation system (Known as “Mecanim”) comes with a lot of concepts and terminology. If at any point, you need to find out what something means, go to our Animation Glossary.
虽然在大多数情况下建议使用 Mecanim,但是 Unity 保留了 Unity 4 之前的版本便存在的旧版动画系统。在处理 Unity 4 之前的版本创建的旧内容时可能需要使用它。有关旧版动画系统的信息,请参阅此部分