粒子系统 Shape 模块
Noise 模块

Velocity over Lifetime 模块

Velocity over Lifetime 模块可控制粒子在其生命周期内的速度。


属性 功能
X, Y, Z Velocity in the X, Y and Z axes.
Space Selects whether the X, Y and Z axes refer to local or world space.
Speed Modifier Applies a multiplier to the speed of particles, along their current direction of travel.


To create particles that drift in a particular direction, use the X, Y and Z curves.

To create an effect that adjusts the speed of particles, but does not affect which direction each particle travels in, use the Speed Modifier curve.

  • 2017–10–26 页面已修订并只进行了有限的编辑审查

  • 2017.3 版中向 Velocity over Lifetime 模块添加了 Speed Modifier 属性 NewIn20173

粒子系统 Shape 模块
Noise 模块