Importing objects from Maya
Importing Objects From 3D Studio Max

Importing objects from Cinema 4D

Unity natively imports Cinema 4D files. Unity imports:

  • 所有对象以及位置、旋转和缩放;轴心点和名称也会导入
  • 网格以及 UV 和法线
  • 材质以及纹理和漫射颜色;每个网格多种材质
  • 动画正向动力学 (FK)(IK(反向动力学)需手动烘焙)
  • 基于骨骼的动画


Unity 不会导入 Cinema 4D 的点级动画 (Point Level Animations, PLA)。请改用基于骨骼的动画。

Cinema 4D 不会导出可见性继承。在 Cinema 4D 中将 Renderer 设置为“Default”或“Off”以避免 Cinema4D 和 Unity 之间的可见性动画存在任何差异。


You need to have Cinema 4D installed to import native .c4d files directly into Unity. If you don’t have Cinema 4D installed, use the .FBX format instead. For more information about importing FBX files, see Importing models.

Behind the import process

When Unity imports a Cinema 4D file it automatically installs a Cinema 4D plugin and launches Cinema 4D in the background. Unity then communicates with Cinema 4D to convert the .c4d file into a format Unity can read.

The first time you import a .c4d file into Unity, Cinema 4D has to launch in a command line process. This can take a while, but subsequent imports are very quick.

Export settings in Cinema 4D

Animated characters using IK

如果使用 IK 在 Cinema 4D 中对角色进行动画化,必须在导出之前使用 Cinema 4D 中的 Plugins > Mocca > Cappucino 菜单烘焙 IK。 如果您在导入 Unity 之前未烘焙 IK,则只能获得动画定位器 (locator) 和动画骨骼。

Maximizing import speed

为了加快文件导入 Unity 的速度,可在导出之前关闭 Cinema 4D 中的 Embed Textures 偏好设置。请查看 Cinema 4D 文档了解相关说明。

  • 2018–03–12 页面已修订并只进行了有限的编辑审查
Importing objects from Maya
Importing Objects From 3D Studio Max