Class containing methods to ease debugging while developing a game.
developerConsoleVisible |
Opens or closes developer console. |
isDebugBuild |
In the Build Settings dialog there is a check box called "Development Build". |
DrawLine |
Draws a line from the point start to end with color for a duration of time and with or without depth testing. If duration is 0 then the line is rendered 1 frame. |
DrawRay |
Draws a line from start to start + dir with color for a duration of time and with or without depth testing. If duration is 0 then the line is rendered 1 frame. |
Break |
Pauses the editor. |
Log |
Logs message to the Unity Console. |
LogError |
A variant of Debug.Log that logs an error message to the console. |
ClearDeveloperConsole |
Clears errors from the developer console. |
LogException |
A variant of Debug.Log that logs an error message from an exception to the console. |
LogWarning |
A variant of Debug.Log that logs a warning message to the console. |