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msgMessage structure.
msgTypeMessage type.


void Success if message is sent.


Send a message structure with the given type number to only clients which are ready.

See Networking.NetworkClient.Ready.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class ReadyMsgTypes { public static short MSG_LOGIN_RESPONSE = 1000; public static short MSG_SCORE = 1005; };

public class ReadyScoreMessage : MessageBase { public int score; public Vector3 scorePos; }

class GameServer { public GameObject gameObject;

void SendScore(int score, Vector3 scorePos) { ReadyScoreMessage msg = new ReadyScoreMessage(); msg.score = score; msg.scorePos = scorePos;

NetworkServer.SendToReady(gameObject, ReadyMsgTypes.MSG_SCORE, msg); } }