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public static int Popup(Rect position, int selectedIndex, string[] displayedOptions, GUIStyle style = EditorStyles.popup);
public static int Popup(Rect position, int selectedIndex, GUIContent[] displayedOptions, GUIStyle style = EditorStyles.popup);
public static int Popup(Rect position, string label, int selectedIndex, string[] displayedOptions, GUIStyle style = EditorStyles.popup);
public static int Popup(Rect position, GUIContent label, int selectedIndex, GUIContent[] displayedOptions, GUIStyle style = EditorStyles.popup);


positionRectangle on the screen to use for the field.
labelOptional label in front of the field.
selectedIndexThe index of the option the field shows.
displayedOptionsAn array with the options shown in the popup.
styleOptional GUIStyle.


int The index of the option that has been selected by the user.


Make a generic popup selection field.

Takes the currently selected index as a parameter and returns the index selected by the user.

Popup in and Editor Window.

// Adds a component to the selected GameObjects

class EditorGUIPopup extends EditorWindow { var options : String[] = ["Rigidbody", "Box Collider", "Sphere Collider"]; var index : int = 0;

@MenuItem("Examples/Editor GUI Popup usage") static function Init() { var window = GetWindow(EditorGUIPopup); window.position = Rect(0,0,180,80); window.Show(); }

function OnGUI() { index = EditorGUI.Popup( Rect(0,0,position.width, 20), "Component:", index, options);

if(GUI.Button(Rect(0,25,position.width, position.height - 26),"Add Component")) AddComponentToObjects(); }

function AddComponentToObjects() { if(!Selection.activeGameObject) { Debug.LogError("Please select at least one GameObject first"); return; }

for(var go : GameObject in Selection.gameObjects) switch (index) { case 0: go.AddComponent.<Rigidbody>(); break;

case 1: go.AddComponent.<BoxCollider>();

case 2: go.AddComponent.<SphereCollider>(); } } }

Note: The displayedOptions lists an array of options. When these elements contain "/" (slash characters) the elements are use for sub-menus. The text to the left of the slashes determines the structure.