With most types of asset, Unity needs to convert the data from the asset’s source file into a format that it can use in a game or real-time application. It stores these converted files, and the data associated with them, in the Asset Database.
The conversion process is required because most file formats are optimized to save storage space, whereas in a game or a real-time application, the asset data needs to be in a format that is ready for hardware, such as the CPU, graphics, or audio hardware, to use immediately. For example, when Unity imports a .png image file as a texture, it does not use the original .png-formatted data at runtime. Instead, when you import the texture, Unity creates a new representation of the image in a different format which is stored in the Project’s Library folder. The Texture class in the Unity engine uses this imported version, and Unity uploads it to the GPU for real-time display.
If you subsequently modify an asset’s source file that you have already imported (or if you change any of its dependencies) Unity reimports the file and updates the imported version of the data. See Refreshing the Asset Database for more information on this process.
The Asset Database also provides an AssetDatabase API that you can use to access Assets, and control or customize the import process.
Note: This documentation refers to the version 2 of the Asset Database. See Asset Database version below for more information.
The Asset Database keeps track of all the dependencies for each asset, and keeps a cache of the imported versions of all the Assets.
An Asset’s import dependencies consists of all of the data that might influence the imported data. For example, the source file of an Asset is a dependency, as well as the Asset’s import settings (such as a texture’s compression type), or the target platform of your Project (for instance, PS4 hardware requires data in a different format to Android hardware). If you modify any of these dependencies, the cached version of the imported Asset becomes invalid and Unity must re-import it to reflect the changes.
The Asset Cache is where Unity stores the imported versions of assets. Because Unity can always recreate these imported versions from the source asset file and its dependencies, these imported versions are treated as a cache of pre-calculated data, which saves time when you use Unity. For this reason, you should exclude the files in the Asset Cache from version control systems.
Unity uses a local cache by default, which means that the imported versions of Assets are cached in the Library folder in your Project’s folder on your local machine. You should use an ignore file to exclude this folder from version control.
However, if you work as part of a team and use a version control system, it might be beneficial to also use Unity Accelerator, which shares the Asset Cache across your LAN.
Because cached Assets are not suitable for storing in a version control system, when your team works together on a Project and uses local caching, every team member’s copy of Unity performs the import process if an Asset or dependency changes, which can be time consuming.
Unity provides a solution to this called Unity Accelerator. One of the Accelerator’s features is a software agent which stores and serves the cached versions of Assets to everyone who is working on the same Project together on the same local network. This means that only one team member needs to import any given asset. The imported version of the Asset is then stored in the Accelerator and the other team members can download the cached version instead of waiting for the import process locally.
Unity maintains two database files in the Library folder, which together are called the Asset Database. These two databases keep track of information about your source asset files, and Artifacts, which is information about the import results.
The source Asset Database contains meta-information about your source asset files which Unity uses to determine whether the file has been modified, and therefore whether it should reimport the files. This includes information such as last modified date, a hash of the file’s contents, GUIDs and other meta-information.
Artifacts are the results of the import process. The Artifact database contains information about the import results of each source asset. Each Artifact contains the import dependency information, Artifact meta-information and a list of Artifact files.
Note: The database files are located in your Project’s Library folder, and as such you should exclude them from version control systems. You can find them in the following locations:
Обычно Unity импортируют ассеты автоматически, когда они перенесены в проект, но также ассеты можно импортировать используя скрипт. Сделать это вы можете используя метод AssetDatabase.ImportAsset как в примере ниже.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class ImportAsset {
[MenuItem ("AssetDatabase/ImportExample")]
static void ImportExample ()
AssetDatabase.ImportAsset("Assets/Textures/texture.jpg", ImportAssetOptions.Default);
При вызове метода AssetDatabase.ImportAsset вы можете передать параметр типа AssetDatabase.ImportAssetOptions В справочнике по скриптингу (Scripting Reference) описаны варианты этого параметра и их влияние на результат.
Редактор загружает ассеты, только при необходимости, например, если они добавляются в сцену или редактируются через панель инспектора (Inspector). Тем не менее, вы можете загрузить и получить доступ к ассетам из скрипта используя AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath, AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetRepresentationsAtPath и AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath. Для получения дополнительной информации смотрите документацию по скриптингу.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class ImportAsset {
[MenuItem ("AssetDatabase/LoadAssetExample")]
static void ImportExample ()
Texture2D t = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/Textures/texture.jpg", typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D;
Так как Unity хранит метаданные о ассетах, Вы никогда не должны создавать, перемещать или удалять их через файловую систему. Вместо этого вы можете воспользоваться AssetDatabase.Contains, AssetDatabase.CreateAsset, AssetDatabase.CreateFolder, AssetDatabase.RenameAsset, AssetDatabase.CopyAsset, AssetDatabase.MoveAsset, AssetDatabase.MoveAssetToTrash и AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset.
public class AssetDatabaseIOExample {
[MenuItem ("AssetDatabase/FileOperationsExample")]
static void Example ()
string ret;
// Create
Material material = new Material (Shader.Find("Specular"));
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(material, "Assets/MyMaterial.mat");
Debug.Log("Material asset created");
// Rename
ret = AssetDatabase.RenameAsset("Assets/MyMaterial.mat", "MyMaterialNew");
if(ret == "")
Debug.Log("Material asset renamed to MyMaterialNew");
// Create a Folder
ret = AssetDatabase.CreateFolder("Assets", "NewFolder");
if(AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(ret) != "")
Debug.Log("Folder asset created");
Debug.Log("Couldn't find the GUID for the path");
// Move
ret = AssetDatabase.MoveAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(material), "Assets/NewFolder/MyMaterialNew.mat");
if(ret == "")
Debug.Log("Material asset moved to NewFolder/MyMaterialNew.mat");
// Copy
if(AssetDatabase.CopyAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(material), "Assets/MyMaterialNew.mat"))
Debug.Log("Material asset copied as Assets/MyMaterialNew.mat");
Debug.Log("Couldn't copy the material");
// Manually refresh the Database to inform of a change
Material MaterialCopy = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/MyMaterialNew.mat", typeof(Material)) as Material;
// Move to Trash
Debug.Log("MaterialCopy asset moved to trash");
// Delete
Debug.Log("Material asset deleted");
Debug.Log("NewFolder deleted");
// Refresh the AssetDatabase after all the changes
Switching between platforms might cause Unity to reimport your assets. This usually happens when the way the asset is imported differs between platforms, which is often the case. For example, different platforms have different texture formats, so textures are imported differently for each platform.
When using Asset Database V2, the platform is part of the hash that the Asset Database uses to store the import results for Unity’s built-in importers. This means that the results for importing your assets on different platforms are stored as separate pieces of cached data.
The result of this feature is that the first time you switch platform with new assets in your project that haven’t already been imported for that platform, they are reimported. This means that you have to wait for that process to complete. However the new reimported data does not overwrite the old data cached import for the previous platform.
This means whenever you subsequently switch back to a platform where you have already imported assets for that platform, those asset import results are already cached and ready to use, making the switch much faster.
This documentation refers to the version 2 of the Asset Database, which is the default in new Projects created with Unity 2019.3 or newer. The legacy version (version 1) was the default in earlier versions of Unity, which behaves in a different way. If you want to import an older Project into Unity 2019.3 or newer, you can choose to upgrade to the new Asset Database to get the benefits of the newer version.
You can switch between the legacy (v1) or current (v2) mode in your Project’s settings. Go to Edit > Project Settings to open the Project Settings window. Then select the Editor section on the left, and find Asset Pipeline in the list of settings on the right. You can then change the version using the Mode dropdown.