Baked Indirect mode

Modo Shadowmask

Shadowmask mode is a lighting mode shared by all Mixed Lights in a Scene. To set Mixed lighting to Shadowmask, open the Lighting window (menu: Window > Rendering > Lighting Settings), click the Scene tab, navigate to Mixed Lighting and set the Lighting Mode to Shadowmask.

You also need to select the desired Shadowmask mode to use from the Quality settings (menu: Edit > Project Settings, then select the Quality category):

  • Shadowmask: los GameObjects estáticos que proyectan sombras siempre usan sombras horneadas.
  • Distance Shadowmask: Unity utiliza sombras en tiempo real hasta la Shadow Distance, y las sombras horneadas más allá.

Mire la documentación acerca deMixed lighting y Light modes para aprender más acerca de los otros modos disponibles.

  • 2017–09–18 Page amended with limited editorial review

  • Shadowmask modes added to Quality Settings in 2017.1 NewIn20171

Baked Indirect mode