Version: 2022.1
public static Build.Reporting.BuildReport BuildPlayer (BuildPlayerOptions buildPlayerOptions);


buildPlayerOptions 提供各种选项以控制 BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer 的行为。


BuildReport 用于提供构建过程信息的 BuildReport。



Use this function to programatically create a build of your project.

Calling this method will invalidate any variables in the editor script that reference GameObjects, so they will need to be reacquired after the call.

Note: Be aware that changes to scripting symbols only take effect at the next domain reload, when scripts are recompiled.

This means if you make changes to the defined scripting symbols via code using PlayerSettings.SetDefineSymbolsForGroup without a domain reload before calling this function, those changes won't take effect.

It also means that the built-in scripting symbols defined for the current active target platform (such as UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN, or UNITY_ANDROID) remain in place even if you try to build for a different target platform, which can result in the wrong code being compiled into your build.

See Also: BuildPlayerWindow.DefaultBuildMethods.BuildPlayer.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor.Build.Reporting;

// Output the build size or a failure depending on BuildPlayer.

public class BuildPlayerExample { [MenuItem("Build/Build iOS")] public static void MyBuild() { BuildPlayerOptions buildPlayerOptions = new BuildPlayerOptions(); buildPlayerOptions.scenes = new[] { "Assets/Scene1.unity", "Assets/Scene2.unity" }; buildPlayerOptions.locationPathName = "iOSBuild"; = BuildTarget.iOS; buildPlayerOptions.options = BuildOptions.None;

BuildReport report = BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(buildPlayerOptions); BuildSummary summary = report.summary;

if (summary.result == BuildResult.Succeeded) { Debug.Log("Build succeeded: " + summary.totalSize + " bytes"); }

if (summary.result == BuildResult.Failed) { Debug.Log("Build failed"); } } }

public static Build.Reporting.BuildReport BuildPlayer (string[] levels, string locationPathName, BuildTarget target, BuildOptions options);
public static Build.Reporting.BuildReport BuildPlayer (EditorBuildSettingsScene[] levels, string locationPathName, BuildTarget target, BuildOptions options);


scenes 要包含在版本中的场景。如果为空,则版本只包含当前打开的场景。路径是项目文件夹的相对路径 (Assets/MyLevels/MyScene.unity)。
locationPathName 要构建应用程序的路径。
target 要构建的 BuildTarget
options 其他 BuildOptions,例如是否运行已构建的播放器。


BuildReport 发生错误时显示的错误消息。


构建一个播放器。这些重载仍受支持,但将被替换。请改用 BuildPlayer (BuildPlayerOptions buildPlayerOptions)。

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