启用渲染管线时,设置处于活动状态的受支持渲染功能。这将更改编辑器 UI 的状态,以反映所做的更改。
active | 获取/设置 SupportedRenderingFeature。 |
autoAmbientProbeBaking | Determines if this renderer supports automatic ambient probe generation. |
autoDefaultReflectionProbeBaking | Determines if this renderer supports automatic default reflection probe generation. |
defaultMixedLightingModes | 如果用户之前选择的模式不再可用,则这是回退模式。请参阅 SupportedRenderingFeatures.mixedLightingModes。 |
editableMaterialRenderQueue | 确定可编程渲染管线是否将覆盖默认材质的渲染队列设置,如果为 true,则在 Inspector 中隐藏渲染队列属性。 |
enlighten | Determines if Enlighten Realtime Global Illumination lightmapper is supported by the currently selected pipeline. If it is not supported, Enlighten-specific settings do not appear in the Editor, which then defaults to the CPU Lightmapper. |
enlightenLightmapper | Determines if Enlighten Baked Global Illumination lightmapper is supported. If it is not supported, Enlighten-specific settings do not appear in the Editor, which then defaults to the CPU Lightmapper. |
lightmapBakeTypes | 受支持的烘焙类型。不受支持的类型将从 UI 中隐藏。请参阅 LightmapBakeType。 |
lightmapsModes | 指定受支持的模式。至少一个。请参阅 LightmapsMode。 |
lightProbeProxyVolumes | 是否支持光照探针代理体? |
mixedLightingModes | 指定受支持的 LightmapMixedBakeModes。如果支持多种模式,请定义 SupportedRenderingFeatures.defaultMixedLightingModes。 |
motionVectors | 是否支持运动矢量? |
overridesEnvironmentLighting | 确定渲染器是否将重载环境光照并且不再需要内置 UI。 |
overridesFog | 确定渲染器是否将重载 Lighting 面板中的雾效设置并且不再需要内置 UI。 |
overrideShadowmaskMessage | Describes where the Shadowmask settings are located if SupportedRenderingFeatures.overridesShadowmask is set to true. |
overridesLightProbeSystem | Determines if the renderer will override the light probe system with a different one. |
overridesLightProbeSystemWarningMessage | The message to display in the LightProbeGroup editor if the light probe system is overridden by the renderer. |
overridesLODBias | 指定渲染器是否覆盖 Quality Settings 面板中的 LOD 偏差设置。如果是,则渲染器不需要内置 UI 来进行 LOD 偏差设置。 |
overridesMaximumLODLevel | 指定渲染器是否覆盖 Quality Settings 面板中的最大 LOD 级别设置。如果是,则渲染器不需要内置 UI 来进行最大 LOD 级别设置。 |
overridesOtherLightingSettings | 确定渲染器是否将重载 Lighting 面板中的光环和光晕设置并且不再需要内置 UI。 |
overridesRealtimeReflectionProbes | Specifies whether the render pipeline overrides the real-time Reflection Probes settings in the Quality settings. If It does, the render pipeline does not need the built-in UI for real-time Reflection Probes settings. |
overridesShadowmask | Specifies whether the render pipeline overrides the Shadowmask settings in the Quality settings. |
particleSystemInstancing | Determines if the renderer supports Particle System GPU instancing. |
receiveShadows | 渲染器能否支持接受阴影? |
reflectionProbeModes | 受支持反射探针的标志。 |
reflectionProbes | 是否支持反射探针? |
reflectionProbesBlendDistance | If this property is true, the blend distance field in the Reflection Probe Inspector window is editable. |
rendererPriority | 确定渲染器是否支持渲染器优先级排序。 |
rendererProbes | Determines whether the Renderer supports probe lighting. |
rendersUIOverlay | Determines whether the function to render UI overlays is called by SRP and not by the engine. |
shadowmaskMessage | A message that tells the user where the Shadowmask settings are located. |