
class in UnityEngine


Inherits from:Texture


Implemented in:UnityEngine.CoreModule


Class that represents textures in C# code.

Use this class to create textures, or to modify existing texture assets.

The ImageConversion class provides extension methods to this class that handle image encoding functionality. For details on those methods, see the ImageConversion documentation.

Do not assume that the texture will be created and available in Awake. All texture uploads are synchronized on the Main thread at Start. Perform texture operations in Start.

Static Properties

blackTextureGets a small Texture with all black pixels.
grayTextureGets a small Texture with all gray pixels.
linearGrayTextureGets a small Texture with all gray pixels.
normalTextureGets a small Texture with pixels that represent surface normal vectors at a neutral position.
redTextureGets a small Texture with all red pixels.
whiteTextureGets a small Texture with all white pixels.


activeMipmapLimitThe number of high resolution mipmap levels from the texture that Unity doesn't upload to the GPU. (Read Only)
alphaIsTransparencyIndicates whether this texture was imported with TextureImporter.alphaIsTransparency enabled. This setting is available only in the Editor scripts. Note that changing this setting will have no effect; it must be enabled in TextureImporter instead.
calculatedMipmapLevelThe mipmap level calculated by the streaming system, which takes into account the streaming Cameras and the location of the objects containing this Texture. This is unaffected by requestedMipmapLevel or minimumMipmapLevel.
desiredMipmapLevelThe mipmap level that the streaming system would load before memory budgets are applied.
formatThe format of the pixel data in the texture (Read Only).
ignoreMipmapLimitThis property causes a texture to ignore all texture mipmap limit settings.
loadedMipmapLevelThe mipmap level that is currently loaded by the streaming system.
loadingMipmapLevelThe mipmap level that the mipmap streaming system is in the process of loading.
minimumMipmapLevelRestricts the mipmap streaming system to a minimum mip level for this Texture.
mipmapLimitGroupThe name of the texture mipmap limit group that this texture is associated with. (Read Only)
requestedMipmapLevelThe mipmap level to load.
streamingMipmapsDetermines whether mipmap streaming is enabled for this Texture.
streamingMipmapsPrioritySets the relative priority for this Texture when reducing memory size to fit within the memory budget.
vtOnlyReturns true if the VTOnly checkbox was checked when the texture was imported; otherwise returns false. For additional information, see TextureImporter.vtOnly.


Texture2DCreate a new empty texture.

Public Methods

ApplyCopies changes you've made in a CPU texture to the GPU.
ClearMinimumMipmapLevelResets the minimumMipmapLevel field.
ClearRequestedMipmapLevelResets the requestedMipmapLevel field.
CompressCompress texture at runtime to DXT/BCn or ETC formats.
CopyPixelsCopies pixel data from another texture on the CPU.
GetPixelGets the pixel color at coordinates (x, y).
GetPixelBilinearGets the filtered pixel color at the normalized coordinates (u, v).
GetPixelDataGets the raw data from a texture.
GetPixelsGets the pixel color data for a mipmap level as Color structs.
GetPixels32Gets the pixel color data for a mipmap level as Color32 structs.
GetRawTextureDataGets the raw data from a texture, as an array that points to memory.
IsRequestedMipmapLevelLoadedChecks to see whether the mipmap level set by requestedMipmapLevel has finished loading.
LoadRawTextureDataSets the raw data of an entire texture in CPU memory.
PackTexturesPacks multiple Textures into a texture atlas.
ReadPixelsReads pixels from the current render target and writes them to a texture.
ReinitializeReinitializes a Texture2D, making it possible for you to replace width, height, textureformat, and graphicsformat data for that texture.
SetPixelSets the pixel color at coordinates (x,y).
SetPixelDataSets the raw data of an entire mipmap level directly in CPU memory.
SetPixelsSets the pixel colors of an entire mipmap level.
SetPixels32Sets the pixel colors of an entire mipmap level.
UpdateExternalTextureUpdates Unity texture to use different native texture object.

Static Methods

CreateExternalTextureCreates a Unity Texture out of an externally created native texture object.
GenerateAtlasPacks a set of rectangles into a square atlas, with optional padding between rectangles.

Inherited Members

Static Properties

allowThreadedTextureCreationAllow Unity internals to perform Texture creation on any thread (rather than the dedicated render thread).
currentTextureMemoryThe amount of memory that all Textures in the scene use.
desiredTextureMemoryThe total amount of texture memory, in bytes, that Unity would use if no constraints are applied.
GenerateAllMipsCan be used with Texture constructors that take a mip count to indicate that all mips should be generated. The value of this field is -1.
nonStreamingTextureCountThe number of non-streaming Textures in the scene. This includes instances of Texture2D and CubeMap Textures. This does not include any other Texture types, or 2D and CubeMap Textures that Unity creates internally.
nonStreamingTextureMemoryThe amount of memory Unity allocates for non-streaming Textures in the scene. This only includes instances of Texture2D and CubeMap Textures. This does not include any other Texture types, or 2D and CubeMap Textures that Unity creates internally.
streamingMipmapUploadCountHow many times has a Texture been uploaded due to Texture mipmap streaming.
streamingRendererCountNumber of renderers registered with the Texture streaming system.
streamingTextureCountNumber of streaming Textures.
streamingTextureDiscardUnusedMipsThis property forces the streaming Texture system to discard all unused mipmaps instead of caching them until the Texture memory budget is exceeded. This is useful when you profile or write tests to keep a predictable set of Textures in memory.
streamingTextureForceLoadAllForce streaming Textures to load all mipmap levels.
streamingTextureLoadingCountNumber of streaming Textures with mipmaps currently loading.
streamingTexturePendingLoadCountNumber of streaming Textures with outstanding mipmaps to be loaded.
targetTextureMemoryTotal texture memory usage in bytes after applying the memory budget and loading all textures.
totalTextureMemoryThe total texture memory, in bytes, that Unity would use if all textures are loaded at full resolution.


hideFlagsShould the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user?
nameThe name of the object.
anisoLevelDefines the anisotropic filtering level of the Texture.
dimensionDimensionality (type) of the Texture.
filterModeFiltering mode of the Texture.
graphicsFormatReturns the GraphicsFormat format or color format of a Texture object.
graphicsTexture GraphicsTexture that represents the texture resource uploaded to the graphics device.
heightHeight of the Texture in pixels.
imageContentsHashThe hash value of the Texture.
isDataSRGBReturns true if the texture pixel data is in sRGB color space.
isReadableWhether Unity stores an additional copy of this texture's pixel data in CPU-addressable memory.
mipMapBiasThe mipmap bias of the Texture.
mipmapCountHow many mipmap levels are in this Texture.
updateCountThis counter is incremented when the Texture is updated.
widthWidth of the Texture in pixels.
wrapModeOptions for sampling a texture if a texture coordinate is outside the [0, 1] range.
wrapModeUOptions for sampling a texture if the U texture coordinate is outside the [0, 1] range.
wrapModeVOptions for sampling a texture if the V texture coordinate is outside the [0, 1] range.
wrapModeWOptions for sampling a texture if the W coordinate is outside the [0, 1] range.

Public Methods

GetInstanceIDGets the instance ID of the object.
ToStringReturns the name of the object.
GetNativeTexturePtrRetrieve a native (underlying graphics API) pointer to the Texture resource.
IncrementUpdateCountIncrement the update counter.

Static Methods

DestroyRemoves a GameObject, component or asset.
DestroyImmediateDestroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead.
DontDestroyOnLoadDo not destroy the target Object when loading a new Scene.
FindAnyObjectByTypeRetrieves any active loaded object of Type type.
FindFirstObjectByTypeRetrieves the first active loaded object of Type type.
FindObjectsByTypeRetrieves a list of all loaded objects of Type type.
InstantiateClones the object original and returns the clone.
InstantiateAsyncCaptures a snapshot of the original object (that must be related to some GameObject) and returns the AsyncInstantiateOperation.
SetGlobalAnisotropicFilteringLimitsSets Anisotropic limits.
SetStreamingTextureMaterialDebugPropertiesThis function sets mipmap streaming debug properties on all materials known by the mipmap streaming system.


boolDoes the object exist?
operator !=Compares if two objects refer to a different object.
operator ==Compares two object references to see if they refer to the same object.

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