
class in UnityEditor.PackageManager.Requests

Implements interfaces:ISerializationCallbackReceiver

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Base class for all Package Manager asynchronous operations. Use this class to track the status and results of package operations, such as adding, removing, or updating packages.

  • All Client (such as Client.Add, Client.Remove, and Client.List) return an object derived from the Request class.
  • Check the IsCompleted property to know when the operation is done.
  • Always check the Status property of the Request for a StatusCode of Success before accessing results to make sure the operation was successful.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor.PackageManager;
using UnityEditor.PackageManager.Requests;

[ExecuteInEditMode] public class RequestExample : MonoBehaviour { ListRequest m_Request; void Start() { Debug.Log("Requesting packages list..."); m_Request = Client.List(); }

void Update() { if (m_Request != null && m_Request.IsCompleted) { if (m_Request.Status == StatusCode.Success) { foreach (var package in m_Request.Result) { Debug.Log($"Package: {} ({package.version})"); } } else { Debug.Log($"Package list request failed: {m_Request.Error}"); } m_Request = null; } } }

Related information


ErrorThe error returned by the request, if any.
IsCompletedWhether the request is complete.
StatusThe request status.

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