
class in UnityEditor.SceneManagement


Inherits from:SceneManagement.SceneManager


Manage scenes in the Editor when it is in Edit mode.

The EditorSceneManager is a scene management system for Edit mode in the Editor. The EditorSceneManager extends the SceneManager and provides Editor-specific logic and behavior on top of SceneManager’s API.

Use the EditorSceneManager to control which scenes are displayed in the Hierarchy window by using OpenScene, CloseScene, or, to open multiple scenes at once, use RestoreSceneManagerSetup.

Note: In Play mode, use the SceneManager API to load and unload scenes.


  • SceneAsset is the imported object for scene asset files with the extension ‘.unity’. It is used to set up references to scene files in Editor scripts. Note that SceneAsset is Editor-only, since paths or the index of a scene in the Build Settings is used for loading at runtime.
  • Scene is an instance of a scene file when loaded with SceneManager.LoadScene in Play mode or when opened with EditorSceneManager.OpenScene in Edit mode.

When a scene file has been opened by the EditorSceneManager.OpenScene, the contents of the scene file are loaded into memory and a Scene struct handle is returned. This Scene struct is used by various Editor and runtime APIs.

Creating a scene

You can use EditorSceneManager.NewScene to create a new scene. When you create a new Scene, it displays in the Hierarchy as "Untitled". This untitled scene has not yet been saved to disk. You can only have one "Untitled" scene at a time.

Saving a scene to a SceneAsset

These are APIs you can use to save a scene to a SceneAsset on disk at the given path, either directly from code or from a Save dialog:

Opening and closing scenes

Use the following to control which scenes are opened in Edit mode and shown in the Hierarchy window:

Note: The Editor requires at least one scene to be open and loaded. If you want to close all scenes, use the NewSceneMode.Single with the EditorSceneManager.NewScene API.

Accessing loaded scenes

The EditorSceneManager offers APIs to access the currently loaded scenes through its base class. For example, SceneManager.loadedSceneCount, SceneManager.GetSceneAt, and SceneManager.GetSceneByPath.

Scene manipulation

Use methods through the base SceneManager class, such as SceneManager.MergeScenes and SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene, to move objects between scenes.

EditorSceneManager events

The EditorSceneManager also exposes many events that can be used to listen to changes to scenes like: when a new scene is created, or when a scene is opened or closed in the Editor. Scripts can register on these events and then be notified when there are changes in the state of the EditorSceneManager. Refer to the Events section.

Editor tooling scenes

The EditorSceneManager also has the following API to managing in-memory Editor-only tooling scenes. These are called preview scenes and the lifetime of these scenes has to be maintained by you. You can use them for your own Editor tooling. These scenes are not automatically shown in the Hierarchy window.

Controlling the start scene in Play mode

In any Editor script, you can set EditorSceneManager.playModeStartScene if you want to mimic a custom boot scene for Play mode instead of playing the currently opened scenes from Edit mode.

Code sample of core EditorSceneManager APIs

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
using UnityEditor.UIElements;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class EditorSceneManagerTestWindow : EditorWindow { private readonly string[] m_ScenePaths = { "Assets/Scene1.unity", "Assets/Scene2.unity", "Assets/Scene3.unity", "Assets/Scene4.unity" }; private ObjectField[] m_SceneFields;

[MenuItem("Examples/EditorSceneManager")] public static void ShowWindow() { var window = GetWindow<EditorSceneManagerTestWindow>(); window.titleContent = new GUIContent("EditorSceneManager APIs"); window.minSize = new Vector2(300, 400); }

public void CreateGUI() { var root = rootVisualElement; root.style.paddingLeft = root.style.paddingRight = root.style.paddingBottom = root.style.paddingTop = 10;

// Create buttons var createScenesButton = CreateButton("Create Test Scenes", 30, CreateScenes); var openSingleSceneButton = CreateButton("Open Single Scene", 10, OpenSingleScene); var restoreSceneManagerSetupButton = CreateButton("Restore SceneManager Setup", 10, RestoreSceneManagerSetup); var closeAllScenesButton = CreateButton("Close All Scenes", 10, CloseAllScenes);

// Add buttons to rootVisualElement root.Add(createScenesButton); root.Add(openSingleSceneButton); root.Add(restoreSceneManagerSetupButton); root.Add(closeAllScenesButton);

// Add title var titleLabel = new Label("Scene Asset References"); titleLabel.style.fontSize = 12; titleLabel.style.marginBottom = 10; titleLabel.style.marginTop = 30; titleLabel.style.unityFontStyleAndWeight = FontStyle.Bold; root.Add(titleLabel);

// Add a couple of object fields for picking SceneAssets const int kNumObjectFields = 5; m_SceneFields = new ObjectField[kNumObjectFields]; for(int i=0; i<m_SceneFields.Length; i++) { var sceneField = new ObjectField() { objectType = typeof(SceneAsset), allowSceneObjects = false }; root.Add(sceneField); m_SceneFields[i] = sceneField; } var openReferencedScenesButton = CreateButton("Open Referenced Scenes", 10, OpenReferencedScenes); root.Add(openReferencedScenesButton); }

private Button CreateButton(string text, float bottomMargin, System.Action clickEvent) { var button = new Button(clickEvent) { text = text }; button.style.marginBottom = bottomMargin; button.style.height = 30; return button; }

private void CreateScenes() { foreach (var scenePath in m_ScenePaths) { var scene = EditorSceneManager.NewScene(NewSceneSetup.DefaultGameObjects, NewSceneMode.Single); EditorSceneManager.SaveScene(scene, scenePath); } }

private void RestoreSceneManagerSetup() { if (!EditorSceneManager.SaveCurrentModifiedScenesIfUserWantsTo()) return;

var sceneSetups = new List<SceneSetup>(); for (int i = 0; i < m_ScenePaths.Length; i++) { var scenePath = m_ScenePaths[i]; var setup = new SceneSetup { path = scenePath, isLoaded = true, isActive = (i == 0) // First scene is active }; sceneSetups.Add(setup); }

EditorSceneManager.RestoreSceneManagerSetup(sceneSetups.ToArray()); }

private void OpenSingleScene() { if (!EditorSceneManager.SaveCurrentModifiedScenesIfUserWantsTo()) return;

EditorSceneManager.OpenScene(m_ScenePaths[0], OpenSceneMode.Single); }

private void CloseAllScenes() { if (!EditorSceneManager.SaveCurrentModifiedScenesIfUserWantsTo()) return;

EditorSceneManager.NewScene(NewSceneSetup.EmptyScene, NewSceneMode.Single); }

private void OpenReferencedScenes() { // Check if we have valid scenes var sceneSetups = new List<SceneSetup>(); bool hasValidScenes = false;

for (int i = 0; i < m_SceneFields.Length; i++) { var sceneAsset = m_SceneFields[i].value as SceneAsset; if (sceneAsset != null) { hasValidScenes = true; var scenePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(sceneAsset); var sceneSetup = new SceneSetup { path = scenePath, isLoaded = true, isActive = (i == 0) // First scene is active }; sceneSetups.Add(sceneSetup); } }

if (!hasValidScenes) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "Please assign at least one scene.", "OK"); return; }

// Save current modified scenes if necessary if (!EditorSceneManager.SaveCurrentModifiedScenesIfUserWantsTo()) return;

// Restore the scene setup EditorSceneManager.RestoreSceneManagerSetup(sceneSetups.ToArray()); } }

Static Properties

DefaultSceneCullingMaskUse SceneCullingMasks.DefaultSceneCullingMask instead.
playModeStartSceneLoads this SceneAsset when you start Play Mode.
preventCrossSceneReferencesControls whether cross-Scene references are allowed in the Editor.
previewSceneCountThe current amount of active preview Scenes.

Static Methods

CalculateAvailableSceneCullingMaskGo through all Scenes and find the smallest unused bit in the unition of all Scene culling masks.
ClosePreviewSceneCloses a preview Scene created by NewPreviewScene or OpenPreviewScene.
CloseSceneClose the Scene. If removeScene flag is true, the closed Scene will also be removed from EditorSceneManager.
DetectCrossSceneReferencesDetects cross-Scene references in a Scene.
EnsureUntitledSceneHasBeenSavedShows a save dialog if an Untitled Scene exists in the current Scene manager setup.
GetSceneCullingMaskReturn the culling mask set on the given Scene.
GetSceneManagerSetupReturns the current setup of the SceneManager.
IsPreviewSceneIs the Scene a preview Scene?
IsPreviewSceneObjectIs this object part of a preview Scene?
LoadSceneAsyncInPlayModeThis method allows you to load a Scene during playmode in the editor, without requiring the Scene to be included in the Build Settings Scene list.
LoadSceneInPlayModeThis method allows you to load a Scene during playmode in the editor, without requiring the Scene to be included in the Build Settings Scene list.
MarkAllScenesDirtyMark all the loaded Scenes as modified.
MarkSceneDirtyMark the specified Scene as modified.
MoveSceneAfterAllows you to reorder the Scenes currently open in the Hierarchy window. Moves the source Scene so it comes after the destination Scene.
MoveSceneBeforeAllows you to reorder the Scenes currently open in the Hierarchy window. Moves the source Scene so it comes before the destination Scene.
NewPreviewSceneCreates a new preview Scene. Any object added to a preview Scene will only be rendered in that Scene.
NewSceneCreate a new Scene.
OpenPreviewSceneOpens a Scene Asset in a preview Scene.
OpenSceneOpen a Scene in the Editor.
RestoreSceneManagerSetupRestore the setup of the SceneManager.
SaveCurrentModifiedScenesIfUserWantsToAsks the user if they want to save the current open modified Scene or Scenes in the Hierarchy.
SaveModifiedScenesIfUserWantsToAsks whether the modfied input Scenes should be saved.
SaveOpenScenesSave all open Scenes.
SaveSceneSave a Scene.
SaveScenesSave a list of Scenes.
SetSceneCullingMaskSet the culling mask on this scene to this value. Cameras will only render objects in Scenes that have the same bits set in their culling mask.


activeSceneChangedInEditModeSubscribe to this event to get notified when the active Scene has changed in Edit mode in the Editor.
newSceneCreatedThis event is called after a new Scene has been created.
sceneClosedThis event is called after a Scene has been closed in the editor.
sceneClosingThis event is called before closing an open Scene after you have requested that the Scene is closed.
sceneDirtiedThis event is called after a Scene has been modified in the editor.
sceneManagerSetupRestoredThis can be useful to get notified when the SceneManager's scenes are replaced with a set of new scenes from calls to RestoreSceneManagerSetup.Use the scenes argument to check what scenes has just been opened.Additional resources: SceneManagerSetupRestoredCallback.
sceneOpenedThis event is called after a Scene has been opened in the editor.
sceneOpeningThis event is called before opening an existing Scene.
sceneSavedThis event is called after a Scene has been saved.
sceneSavingThis event is called before a Scene is saved disk after you have requested the Scene to be saved.


NewSceneCreatedCallbackCallbacks of this type which have been added to the newSceneCreated event are called after a new Scene has been created.
SceneClosedCallbackCallbacks of this type which have been added to the sceneClosed event are called immediately after the Scene has been closed.
SceneClosingCallbackCallbacks of this type which have been added to the sceneClosing event are called just before a Scene is closed.
SceneDirtiedCallbackCallbacks of this type which have been added to the sceneDirtied event are called after a Scene changes from being unmodified to being modified.
SceneManagerSetupRestoredCallbackCallbacks of this type which have been added to the sceneManagerSetupRestored event are called after RestoreSceneManagerSetup has been called.
SceneOpenedCallbackCallbacks of this type which have been added to the sceneOpened event are called after a Scene has been opened.
SceneOpeningCallbackCallbacks of this type which have been added to the sceneOpening event are called just before opening a Scene.
SceneSavedCallbackCallbacks of this type which have been added to the sceneSaved event are called after a Scene has been saved.
SceneSavingCallbackCallbacks of this type which have been added to the sceneSaving event are called just before the Scene is saved.

Inherited Members

Static Properties

loadedSceneCountThe number of loaded Scenes.
sceneCountThe current number of Scenes.
sceneCountInBuildSettingsNumber of Scenes in Build Settings.

Static Methods

CreateSceneCreate an empty new Scene at runtime with the given name.
GetActiveSceneGets the currently active Scene.
GetSceneAtGet the Scene at index in the SceneManager's list of loaded Scenes.
GetSceneByBuildIndexGet a Scene struct from a build index.
GetSceneByNameSearches through the Scenes loaded for a Scene with the given name.
GetSceneByPathSearches all Scenes loaded for a Scene that has the given asset path.
LoadSceneLoads the Scene by its name or index in Build Settings.
LoadSceneAsyncLoads the Scene asynchronously in the background.
MergeScenesThis will merge the source Scene into the destinationScene.
MoveGameObjectsToSceneMove multiple GameObjects, represented by a NativeArray of instance IDs, from their current Scene to a new Scene.
MoveGameObjectToSceneMove a GameObject from its current Scene to a new Scene.
SetActiveSceneSet the Scene to be active.
UnloadSceneAsyncDestroys all GameObjects associated with the given Scene and removes the Scene from the SceneManager.


activeSceneChangedSubscribe to this event to get notified when the active Scene has changed.
sceneLoadedAssign a custom callback to this event to get notifications when a Scene has loaded.
sceneUnloadedAdd a delegate to this to get notifications when a Scene has unloaded.

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