Legacy Documentation: Version 5.0
Point Effector 2D
Surface Effector 2D

Platform Effector 2D

Switch to Scripting

The Platform Effector 2D applies “platform” behaviour such as one-way collisions etc.

The Platform Effector 2D Inspector
The Platform Effector 2D Inspector


Property: Function:
Collider Mask The mask used to select specific layers allowed to interact with the effector.
One Way Whether to use one-way collision behaviour or not.
Side Friction Whether friction should be used on the platform sides or not.
Side Bounce Whether bounce should be used on the platform sides or not.
Side Angle Variance The angle variance centered on the sides of the platform. Zero angle only matches sides 90-degree to the platform “top”.

When the source Collider2D is a trigger, the effector will apply forces whenever the target Collider2D overlaps the source. When the source Collider isn’t a trigger, the effector will apply forces whenever the target Collider2D is in contact with the source only.

Point Effector 2D
Surface Effector 2D