Legacy Documentation: Version 5.0
Windows Universal Applications: Getting Started
Web Player

Windows Universal Applications: FAQ

How do I build a Universal Windows Phone/Store 8.1 application from Unity?

Select “Universal 8.1” SDK under Windows Store platform.

Help! There’s too many defines! Which are defined for which platform?

No worries. Here’s all of them:

UNITY_WP8 defined on Windows Phone 8.0 apps only;
UNITY_WP_8_1 defined on Windows Phone 8.1 apps;
UNITY_WSA defined on Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Store 8.0, Windows Store 8.1 and Universal 8.1 apps;
UNITY_WSA_8_0 defined on Windows Store 8.0 apps;
UNITY_WSA_8_1 defined on Windows Store 8.1 apps;
UNITY_WINRT defined on both Windows Phone and Windows Store apps, regardless of version;
UNITY_WINRT_8_0 defined on Windows Phone 8.0 and Windows Store 8.0 apps;
UNITY_WINRT_8_1 defined on Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Store 8.1 and Universal apps regardless of device it’s running on;
NETFX_CORE defined on Windows Store 8.0, Windows Store 8.1, Windows Phone 8.1 and Universal 8.1 scripts that are compiled using Microsoft C# compiler.

Where do I put my plugins for Windows Phone 8.1 or Universal Apps?

Please check PluginInspector.html

Note: We do not support Windows Phone 8.1 silverlight assemblies as plugins for Windows Phone 8.1.

Windows Universal Applications: Getting Started
Web Player