Legacy Documentation: Version 5.0
Asset Store Manual
Viewing the status of your Asset store submissions:

Setting up Google Analytics

What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a web based information center that displays statistics on websiotes and web pages. As a publisher you may have seen the Tracking ID text field under the info tab of your publisher admin page.

How do I set it up?

1. Sign In or Sign Up.

First you will need to go to the “Google Analytics” home page and sign in with your Gmail account.

2. Create a new account.

Creating a new account, does not mean a new Gmail account. This means to create a new link to a webpage. If this is the first time you have logged into “Google Analytics” you will be prompted to do it automatically.

If you need to (or want to) create a new account you can navigate by clicking Admin > Under Accounts “New Account”.

3. New account Form

The form you fill out when creating a new account for Google Analytics is very straight forward, however, this form also asks you to add a Webpage URL.

Here you will need to enter the “Short URL” for your asset. The Short URL can be found by clicking the name of your asset in the packages tab of Publisher Administration and scrolling to the bottom of the page. See below.

4. Tracking ID

After creating a new account you will receive a Tracking ID. Grab the tracking ID and paste it into the “Tracking ID” Text field at the bottom of the “Info” tab in Publisher Administration. For the “Loction Prefix” you can enter “/assetstore” as default.

Asset Store Manual
Viewing the status of your Asset store submissions: