Legacy Documentation: Version 5.0
Asset Components
Network Reference Guide

Standalone Plugin Settings


These settings are available if you have Any Platform or Standalone selected in Platforms tab.

Note: These checbkoxes affect CPU values only, that’s why [[PluginImporter.GetCompatibleWithPlatform]] won’t reflect any changes when clicking on the checkboxes, instead use [[PluginImporter.GetPlatformData]], pass CPU for key. You can also check *.meta file to see exactly how values are setup, for ex., if your plugin is named as Plugin.dll, search for Plugin.dll.meta.

There are two types of plugins:

  • CPU specific plugins, for ex., native plugins which can be used only for specific process architecture - 32 bit or 64 bit.
  • Plugins working with any process architecture, for ex., managed plugins.


  • Native x86 dll file
    • because native dll files are only usable on Windows, you only need to weak Windows settings
    • x86 dll files cannot be used in x64 process
    • keeping above thing in mind, check Windows x86 checkbox, leave others unchecked

  • Managed dll file, also know as assembly file
    • if assembly was compiled with Any Cpu option and targets .NET 3.5, all platforms (Windows, Linux, OSX) can use it
    • check all the checkboxes, and select Any CPU for universal targets

  • Bundle folder, containing x86 library
    • bundles are used by OSX platform
    • check OSX x86 checkbox, and pick x86 of Universal

  • Bundle folder, containing x86 and x64 libraries
    • check OSX x86 and x64 checkboxes, and pick Any CPU of Universal
Asset Components
Network Reference Guide