Legacy Documentation: Version 5.0
Setting up Unity to Build to Your Blackberry10 Device
Plugins for Blackberry 10

Blackberry10 Details

Player Settings

The BlackBerry tab in the Player Settings (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Player) provides settings which can be configured for your application.

Blackberry10 Other Settings
Blackberry10 Other Settings

Microphone is NOT enabled on BlackBerry (retained in the UI as it is a common feature among mobile devices).


On Blackberry10 Touch events are handled just like other mobile platforms. Note however that the touch area on the Z10 is larger than the screen area. This means the returned finger position can be off the edge of the screen, with values negative, and/or greater than the screen width and/or height.

Setting up Unity to Build to Your Blackberry10 Device
Plugins for Blackberry 10