Legacy Documentation: Version 5.0
Constant Force 2D
Point Effector 2D

Area Effector 2D

Switch to Scripting

The Area Effector 2D applies forces within an area.

When the source Collider2D is a trigger, the effector will apply forces whenever the target Collider2D overlaps the source. When the source Collider isn’t a trigger, the effector will apply forces whenever the target Collider2D is in contact with the source only. This effector is designed primarily to work with source Collider2D that are set as triggers so that target Collider2D can overlap the defined area.

The Area Effector 2D Inspector
The Area Effector 2D Inspector


Property: Function:
Collider Mask The mask used to select specific layers allowed to interact with the effector.
Force Direction The direction of the force to be applied.
Force Magnitude The magnitude of the force to be applied.
Force Variation The variation of the magnitude of the force to be applied.
Drag The linear drag to apply to rigid-bodies.
Angular Drag The angular drag to apply to rigid-bodies.
Force Target The target for where the effector applies any force.
Constant Force 2D
Point Effector 2D