This version of Unity is unsupported.
Special searches
Using the calculator

Getting Search help

The Help Search Provider displays a quick reference for different types of searches in the results area. Each help item provides the syntax for performing a specific type of search, or other instructions for using Search.

NOTE: This is a special search. You must use its search token to execute it. You cannot make it an active Search Provider, or combine it with other Search Providers.

Search token: ? (question mark)

Default action: Enters the search syntax from the help item into the search bar. Executes any action described in the help item (for example, executing the search or navigating the results).

Context menu actions:

Action: Function:
Help Enters the search syntax from the help item into the search bar. Executes any action described in the help item (for example, executing the search or navigating the results).

Help Search Provider

Special searches
Using the calculator