This version of Unity is unsupported.
USS Writing style sheets
Event types

USS properties reference

This page serves as a reference to USS properties currently supported in UI(User Interface) Allows a user to interact with your application. Unity currently supports three UI systems. More info
See in Glossary

Property Syntax Inherited?
align-content align-content: flex-start | flex-end | center | stretch | auto
align-items align-items: flex-start | flex-end | center | stretch | auto
align-self align-self: flex-start | flex-end | center | stretch | auto
background-color background-color: {color}
background-image background-image: {resource} | {url} | none
border-bottom-color border-bottom-color: {color}
border-bottom-left-radius border-bottom-left-radius: {length} | {percentage}
border-bottom-right-radius border-bottom-right-radius: {length} | {percentage}
border-bottom-width border-bottom-width: {length}
border-color border-color: {color}{1,4}
border-left-color border-left-color: {color}
border-left-width border-left-width: {length}
border-radius border-radius: {length} | {percentage} {1,4}
border-right-color border-right-color: {color}
border-right-width border-right-width: {length}
border-top-color border-top-color: {color}
border-top-left-radius border-top-left-radius: {length} | {percentage}
border-top-right-radius border-top-right-radius: {length} | {percentage}
border-top-width border-top-width: {length}
border-width border-width: {length}{1,4}
bottom bottom: {length} | {percentage} | auto
color color: {color} Yes
cursor cursor: {resource} | {url} {integer} {integer} ? | arrow | text | resize-vertical | resize-horizontal | link | slide-arrow | resize-up-right | resize-up-left | move-arrow | rotate-arrow | scale-arrow | arrow-plus | arrow-minus | pan | orbit | zoom | fps | split-resize-up-down | split-resize-left-right
display display: flex | none
flex flex: none | {'flex-grow'} {'flex-shrink'}? | | {'flex-basis'}
flex-basis flex-basis: {'width'}
flex-direction flex-direction: column | row | column-reverse | row-reverse
flex-grow flex-grow: {number}
flex-shrink flex-shrink: {number}
flex-wrap flex-wrap: nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse
font-size font-size: {length} | {percentage} Yes
height height: {length} | {percentage} | auto
justify-content justify-content: flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around
left left: {length} | {percentage} | auto
margin margin: {length} | {percentage} | auto {1,4}
margin-bottom margin-bottom: {length} | {percentage} | auto
margin-left margin-left: {length} | {percentage} | auto
margin-right margin-right: {length} | {percentage} | auto
margin-top margin-top: {length} | {percentage} | auto
max-height max-height: {length} | {percentage} | none
max-width max-width: {length} | {percentage} | none
min-height min-height: {length} | {percentage} | auto
min-width min-width: {length} | {percentage} | auto
opacity opacity: {number}
overflow overflow: visible | hidden | scroll
padding padding: {length} | {percentage} {1,4}
padding-bottom padding-bottom: {length} | {percentage}
padding-left padding-left: {length} | {percentage}
padding-right padding-right: {length} | {percentage}
padding-top padding-top: {length} | {percentage}
position position: relative | absolute
right right: {length} | {percentage} | auto
text-overflow text-overflow: clip | ellipsis
top top: {length} | {percentage} | auto
-unity-background-image-tint-color -unity-background-image-tint-color: {color}
-unity-background-scale-mode -unity-background-scale-mode: stretch-to-fill | scale-and-crop | scale-to-fit
-unity-font -unity-font: {resource} | {url} Yes
-unity-font-style -unity-font-style: normal | italic | bold | bold-and-italic
-unity-overflow-clip-box -unity-overflow-clip-box: padding-box | content-box
-unity-slice-bottom -unity-slice-bottom: {integer}
-unity-slice-left -unity-slice-left: {integer}
-unity-slice-right -unity-slice-right: {integer}
-unity-slice-top -unity-slice-top: {integer}
-unity-text-align -unity-text-align: upper-left | middle-left | lower-left | upper-center | middle-center | lower-center | upper-right | middle-right | lower-right Yes
-unity-text-overflow-position -unity-text-overflow-position: start | middle | end
visibility visibility: visible | hidden Yes
white-space white-space: normal | nowrap Yes
width width: {length} | {percentage} | auto
USS Writing style sheets
Event types