This page lists any changes in 2018.3 which might affect existing projects when you upgrade from earlier versions of Unity
, flex-shrink
and flex-basis
. The flex-shrink and flex-basis parameters are optional. If omitted, flex-basis defaults to 0 and flex-shrink defaults to 1.flex: N
was equivalent to flex N 0 auto
. This now follows the CSS standard by making it equivalent to flex: N 1 0
. To preserve the old semantic, you should replace all flex: N
directives with flex: N 0 auto
in your USS files.Physics behaviour has changed and some Projects may behave differently with the new version. In particular:
Unity 2018.3 includes some particle bugs fixes and this can affect your projects that were created in a previous version.
Before 2018.3, the Unity Editor used the mono C# compiler (mcs) when compiling C# files in a project. From 2018.3 onwards, the Roslyn C# compiler (csc) is used for projects targeting the new scripting runtime (.NET 4.x Equivalent). Different behavior may be noticed from the switch to Roslyn:
. See PlatformDependentCompilation.UnityScript (.js) and Boo (.boo) script files can no longer be compiled in the Editor.
For more information see this blog post from August 2017 and you can use the unityscript2csharp tool to convert UnityScript to C#.
Animator Root MotionMotion of character’s root node, whether it’s controlled by the animation itself or externally. More info
See in Glossary playback has changed slighly to correct some inconsistencies when authoring Root Motion Animations in the Animation Window.
Case | Generated Root Motion | Animator.applyRootMotion | 2018.2 | 2018.3 |
A | yes | yes | Apply Root Motion cumulatively on Root TransformThe Transform at the top of a hierarchy of Transforms. In a Prefab, the Root Transform is the topmost Transform in the Prefab. In an animated humanoid character, the Root Transform is a projection on the Y plane of the Body Transform and is computed at run time. At every frame, a change in the Root Transform is computed, and then this is applied to the GameObject to make it move. More info See in Glossary. |
Same as 2018.2 |
B | no | no | Apply Position, Rotation and Scale curves as authored in the AnimationClip. | Same as 2018.2 |
C* | yes | no | No root transform movement | Apply Position, Rotation and Scale as authored in the AnimationClip. |
D* | no | yes | No root transform movement | Apply Root Motion cumulatively on Root. |
For cases C and D, to achieve the same result in 2018.3, you need to implement OnAnimatorMove, then discard Animator.deltaPosition
and Animator.deltaRotation
in cases where you don’t want to apply Root Motion.
If your Project uses applyRootMotion
to “mute” Position, Rotation and Scale Animation on your Root Transform, then you need to override the Root Transform properties manually.