PS Vita specific player settings.
acquireBGM | Aquire PS Vita background music. |
appVersion | The PS Vita application version. |
category | The package build category. |
contentID | The applications content ID. |
drmType | PS Vita DRM Type. |
enterButtonAssignment | Specifies whether circle or cross will be used as the default enter button. |
healthWarning | Specifies whether or not a health warning will be added to the software manual. |
infoBarColor | Specifies the color of the PS Vita information bar, true = white, false = black. |
infoBarOnStartup | Specifies whether or not to show the PS Vita information bar when the application starts. |
keystoneFile | Keystone file. |
liveAreaBackroundPath | PS Vita Live area background image. |
liveAreaGatePath | PS Vita Live area gate image. |
liveAreaPath | PS Vita Live area path. |
liveAreaTrialPath | PS Vita Live area trial path. |
manualPath | PS Vita sofware manual. |
masterVersion | PS Vita content master version. |
mediaCapacity | Should always = 01.00. |
memoryExpansionMode | PS Vita memory expansion mode. |
npAgeRating | PSN Age rating. |
npCommsPassphrase | PS Vita NP Passphrase. |
npCommsSig | PS Vita NP Signature. |
npCommunicationsID | PS Vita NP Communications ID. |
npSupportGBMorGJP | Support Game Boot Message or Game Joining Presence. |
npTitleDatPath | PS Vita NP Title Data File. |
npTrophyPackPath | Path specifying wher to copy a trophy pack from. |
packagePassword | 32 character password for use if you want to access the contents of a package. |
paramSfxPath | Path specifying where to copy the package parameter file (param.sfx) from. |
parentalLevel | PS Vita parental level. |
patchChangeInfoPath | For cumlative patch packages. |
patchOriginalPackage | For building cumulative patch packages. |
powerMode | PS Vita power mode. |
saveDataQuota | Save data quota. |
scriptOptimizationLevel | Indicates the IL2CPP scripts' optimization level in a range of 0 to 2. 0 indicates no optimization and 2 indicates maximum optimization. |
shortTitle | The applications short title. |
storageType | PS Vita media type. |
tvBootMode | PS Vita TV boot mode. |
tvDisableEmu | PS Vita TV Disable Emu flag. |
upgradable | Indicates that this is an upgradable (trial) type application which can be converted to a full application by purchasing an upgrade. |
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