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struct in UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering

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Values for the blend state.

Static Properties

DefaultDefault values for the blend state.


alphaBlendOperationOperation used for blending the alpha (A) channel.
colorBlendOperationOperation used for blending the color (RGB) channel.
destinationAlphaBlendModeBlend factor used for the alpha (A) channel of the destination.
destinationColorBlendModeBlend factor used for the color (RGB) channel of the destination.
sourceAlphaBlendModeBlend factor used for the alpha (A) channel of the source.
sourceColorBlendModeBlend factor used for the color (RGB) channel of the source.
writeMaskSpecifies which color components will get written into the target framebuffer.


RenderTargetBlendStateCreates a new blend state with the given values.

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