Version: 2019.2


class in UnityEditor

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AssetModificationProcessor lets you hook into saving of serialized assets and scenes which are edited inside Unity.

This lets you prevent writing of assets by Unity for integration with VCS solutions like Perforce which require locking of files.

This can be used as a callback to know when Assets are saved. You can then make actions such as run code generator.


IsOpenForEditЭто вызывается Unity при проверке ассета, чтобы определить, если редактор должен быть отключен.
OnWillCreateAssetUnity calls this method when it is about to create an Asset you haven't imported (for example, .meta files).
OnWillDeleteAssetЭто вызывается Unity, когда он собирается удалить ассет с диска.
OnWillMoveAssetUnity calls this method when it is about to move an Asset on disk.
OnWillSaveAssetsThis is called by Unity when it is about to write serialized assets or Scene files to disk.