class in UnityEngine.UI
Inherits from:EventSystems.UIBehaviour
Implements interfaces:IBeginDragHandler, ICanvasElement, IDragHandler, IEndDragHandler, IEventSystemHandler, IInitializePotentialDragHandler, ILayoutController, ILayoutElement, ILayoutGroup, IScrollHandler
Switch to ManualA component for making a child RectTransform scroll.
ScrollRect will not do any clipping on its own. Combined with a Mask component, it can be turned into a scroll view.
content | The content that can be scrolled. It should be a child of the GameObject with ScrollRect on it. |
decelerationRate | The rate at which movement slows down. |
elasticity | The amount of elasticity to use when the content moves beyond the scroll rect. |
flexibleHeight | Called by the layout system. |
flexibleWidth | Called by the layout system. |
horizontal | Should horizontal scrolling be enabled? |
horizontalNormalizedPosition | The horizontal scroll position as a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being at the left. |
horizontalScrollbar | Optional Scrollbar object linked to the horizontal scrolling of the ScrollRect. |
horizontalScrollbarSpacing | The space between the scrollbar and the viewport. |
horizontalScrollbarVisibility | The mode of visibility for the horizontal scrollbar. |
inertia | Should movement inertia be enabled? |
layoutPriority | Called by the layout system. |
minHeight | Called by the layout system. |
minWidth | Called by the layout system. |
movementType | The behavior to use when the content moves beyond the scroll rect. |
normalizedPosition | The scroll position as a Vector2 between (0,0) and (1,1) with (0,0) being the lower left corner. |
onValueChanged | Callback executed when the position of the child changes. |
preferredHeight | Called by the layout system. |
preferredWidth | Called by the layout system. |
scrollSensitivity | The sensitivity to scroll wheel and track pad scroll events. |
velocity | The current velocity of the content. |
vertical | Should vertical scrolling be enabled? |
verticalNormalizedPosition | The vertical scroll position as a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being at the bottom. |
verticalScrollbar | Optional Scrollbar object linked to the vertical scrolling of the ScrollRect. |
verticalScrollbarSpacing | The space between the scrollbar and the viewport. |
verticalScrollbarVisibility | The mode of visibility for the vertical scrollbar. |
viewport | Reference to the viewport RectTransform that is the parent of the content RectTransform. |
CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal | Called by the layout system. |
CalculateLayoutInputVertical | Called by the layout system. |
GraphicUpdateComplete | See ICanvasElement.GraphicUpdateComplete. |
IsActive | See member in base class. |
LayoutComplete | See ICanvasElement.LayoutComplete. |
OnBeginDrag | Handling for when the content is being dragged. |
OnDrag | Handling for when the content is dragged. |
OnEndDrag | Handling for when the content has finished being dragged. |
OnInitializePotentialDrag | See: IInitializePotentialDragHandler.OnInitializePotentialDrag. |
OnScroll | См. IScrollHandler.OnScroll. |
Rebuild | Rebuilds the scroll rect data after initialization. |
SetLayoutHorizontal | Called by the layout system. |
SetLayoutVertical | Called by the layout system. |
StopMovement | Sets the velocity to zero on both axes so the content stops moving. |
OnDisable | См. MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. |
SetContentAnchoredPosition | Sets the anchored position of the content. |
SetDirty | Override to alter or add to the code that keeps the appearance of the scroll rect synced with its data. |
SetDirtyCaching | Override to alter or add to the code that caches data to avoid repeated heavy operations. |
SetNormalizedPosition | Set the horizontal or vertical scroll position as a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being at the left or at the bottom. |
UpdateBounds | Calculate the bounds the ScrollRect should be using. |
UpdatePrevData | Helper function to update the previous data fields on a ScrollRect. Call this before you change data in the ScrollRect. |
enabled | Включенное Поведение обновляется, выключенное Поведение не обновляется. |
isActiveAndEnabled | Has the Behaviour had active and enabled called? |
gameObject | Игровой объект к которому прикреплён данный компонент. Компонент всегда прикреплён к игровому объекту. |
tag | Тег данного игрового объекта. |
transform | The Transform attached to this GameObject. |
runInEditMode | Allow a specific instance of a MonoBehaviour to run in edit mode (only available in the editor). |
useGUILayout | Disabling this lets you skip the GUI layout phase. |
hideFlags | Should the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user? |
name | The name of the object. |
BroadcastMessage | Вызывает метод названный methodName на каждом MonoBehaviour этого game object-а или любого из его потомков. |
CompareTag | Помечен ли данный игровой объект тегом tag? |
GetComponent | Возвращает компонент типа type, если он прикреплен к игровому объекту и null, если не прикреплен. |
GetComponentInChildren | Возвращает компонент типа type в GameObject или некоторого его потомка через поиск в глубину. |
GetComponentInParent | Возвращает все компоненты типа type из GameObject'а или из любого его родителя. |
GetComponents | Возвращает все компоненты типа type в GameObject. |
GetComponentsInChildren | Возвращает все компоненты типа type в GameObject или любому из его потомков. |
GetComponentsInParent | Возвращает все компоненты типа type в GameObject или любому из его родителей. |
SendMessage | Вызывает метод с названием methodName в каждом MonoBehaviour в этом игровом объекте. |
SendMessageUpwards | Вызывает метод с именем methodName в каждом MonoBehaviour в этом игровом объекте и в каждом предке поведения. |
CancelInvoke | Отменяет все вызовы Invoke в этом MonoBehaviour. |
Invoke | Вызывает метод methodName по истечении времени time секунд. |
InvokeRepeating | Вызывает метод methodName по истечении времени time секунд, затем повторяет вызов каждые repeatRate секунд. |
IsInvoking | Есть ли какой то ожидающий вызов methodName? |
StartCoroutine | Starts a Coroutine. |
StopAllCoroutines | Останавливает все корутины запущенные на этом MonoBehaviour. |
StopCoroutine | Останавливает все корутины с именем methodName запущенные на этом MonoBehaviour. |
GetInstanceID | Returns the instance id of the object. |
ToString | Returns the name of the object. |
IsDestroyed | Возвращает true если родное представление поведения было разрушено. |
Awake | См. MonoBehaviour.Awake. |
OnBeforeTransformParentChanged | См. MonoBehaviour.OnBeforeTransformParentChanged. |
OnCanvasGroupChanged | См. MonoBehaviour.OnCanvasGroupChanged. |
OnCanvasHierarchyChanged | Called when the state of the parent Canvas is changed. |
OnDestroy | См. MonoBehaviour.OnDestroy. |
OnDidApplyAnimationProperties | См. MonoBehaviour.OnDidApplyAnimationProperties. |
OnEnable | См. MonoBehaviour.OnEnable. |
OnRectTransformDimensionsChange | This callback is called if an associated RectTransform has its dimensions changed. |
OnTransformParentChanged | См. MonoBehaviour.OnRectTransformParentChanged. |
OnValidate | См. MonoBehaviour.OnValidate. |
Reset | См. MonoBehaviour.Reset. |
Start | См. MonoBehaviour.Start. |
Logs message to the Unity Console (identical to Debug.Log). | |
Destroy | Removes a GameObject, component or asset. |
DestroyImmediate | Destroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead. |
DontDestroyOnLoad | Do not destroy the target Object when loading a new Scene. |
FindObjectOfType | Returns the first active loaded object of Type type. |
FindObjectsOfType | Returns a list of all active loaded objects of Type type. |
Instantiate | Clones the object original and returns the clone. |
bool | Does the object exist? |
operator != | Compares if two objects refer to a different object. |
operator == | Compares two object references to see if they refer to the same object. |
Awake | Функция Awake вызывается когда экземпляр скрипта будет загружен. |
FixedUpdate | Frame-rate independent MonoBehaviour.FixedUpdate message for physics calculations. |
LateUpdate | LateUpdate вызывается каждый кадр, если Behaviour включен. |
OnAnimatorIK | Обратный вызов (Callback) для установки IK анимации (инверсной кинематики). |
OnAnimatorMove | Обратный вызов для обработки перемещения анимации для модификации смещения корня. |
OnApplicationFocus | Посылается ко всем игровым объектам когда плейер получает или теряет фокус. |
OnApplicationPause | Посылается ко всем игровым объектам когда плейер на паузе. |
OnApplicationQuit | Sent to all game objects before the application quits. |
OnAudioFilterRead | If OnAudioFilterRead is implemented, Unity will insert a custom filter into the audio DSP chain. |
OnBecameInvisible | OnBecameInvisible is called when the renderer is no longer visible by any camera. |
OnBecameVisible | OnBecameVisible is called when the renderer became visible by any camera. |
OnCollisionEnter | OnCollisionEnter вызывается, когда этот collider/rigidbody начал соприкосновение с другим rigidbody/collider. |
OnCollisionEnter2D | Передается когда входящий коллайдер контактирует с коллайдером данного объекта (только 2D физика). |
OnCollisionExit | OnCollisionExit вызывается, когда collider/rigidbody прекращает контакт с другим rigidbody/collider. |
OnCollisionExit2D | Передается, когда коллайдер другого объекта перестает соприкасаться с коллайдером этого объекта (только 2D физика). |
OnCollisionStay | :ref::OnCollisionStay is called once per frame for every collider/rigidbody that is touching rigidbody/collider. |
OnCollisionStay2D | Передается каждый кадр, пока коллайдер другого объекта контактирует с коллайдером данного объекта (только 2D физика). |
OnConnectedToServer | Called on the client when you have successfully connected to a server. |
OnControllerColliderHit | OnControllerColliderHit вызывается тогда, когда контроллер сталкивается с коллайдеров, во время выполнения метода Move. |
OnDestroy | Destroying the attached Behaviour will result in the game or Scene receiving OnDestroy. |
OnDisconnectedFromServer | Called on the client when the connection was lost or you disconnected from the server. |
OnDrawGizmos | Implement OnDrawGizmos if you want to draw gizmos that are also pickable and always drawn. |
OnDrawGizmosSelected | Implement OnDrawGizmosSelected to draw a gizmo if the object is selected. |
OnEnable | This function is called when the object becomes enabled and active. |
OnFailedToConnect | Called on the client when a connection attempt fails for some reason. |
OnFailedToConnectToMasterServer | Called on clients or servers when there is a problem connecting to the MasterServer. |
OnGUI | OnGUI is called for rendering and handling GUI events. |
OnJointBreak | Вызывается при разрушении сустава, прикрепленного к такому же игровому объекту. |
OnJointBreak2D | Called when a Joint2D attached to the same game object breaks. |
OnMasterServerEvent | Called on clients or servers when reporting events from the MasterServer. |
OnMouseDown | OnMouseDown is called when the user has pressed the mouse button while over the GUIElement or Collider. |
OnMouseDrag | OnMouseDrag is called when the user has clicked on a GUIElement or Collider and is still holding down the mouse. |
OnMouseEnter | Called when the mouse enters the GUIElement or Collider. |
OnMouseExit | Called when the mouse is not any longer over the GUIElement or Collider. |
OnMouseOver | Called every frame while the mouse is over the GUIElement or Collider. |
OnMouseUp | OnMouseUp is called when the user has released the mouse button. |
OnMouseUpAsButton | OnMouseUpAsButton is only called when the mouse is released over the same GUIElement or Collider as it was pressed. |
OnNetworkInstantiate | Called on objects which have been network instantiated with Network.Instantiate. |
OnParticleCollision | OnControllerColliderHit вызывается тогда, когда контроллер сталкивается с коллайдеров, во время выполнения метода Move. |
OnParticleSystemStopped | OnParticleSystemStopped is called when all particles in the system have died, and no new particles will be born. New particles cease to be created either after Stop is called, or when the duration property of a non-looping system has been exceeded. |
OnParticleTrigger | OnParticleTrigger is called when any particles in a Particle System meet the conditions in the trigger module. |
OnPlayerConnected | Called on the server whenever a new player has successfully connected. |
OnPlayerDisconnected | Called on the server whenever a player disconnected from the server. |
OnPostRender | OnPostRender is called after a camera finished rendering the Scene. |
OnPreCull | OnPreCull is called before a camera culls the Scene. |
OnPreRender | OnPreRender is called before a camera starts rendering the Scene. |
OnRenderImage | OnRenderImage вызывается после того как весь рендеринг для отрисовки изображения завершиться. |
OnRenderObject | OnRenderObject is called after camera has rendered the Scene. |
OnSerializeNetworkView | Used to customize synchronization of variables in a script watched by a network view. |
OnServerInitialized | Called on the server whenever a Network.InitializeServer was invoked and has completed. |
OnTransformChildrenChanged | This function is called when the list of children of the transform of the GameObject has changed. |
OnTransformParentChanged | This function is called when the parent property of the transform of the GameObject has changed. |
OnTriggerEnter | OnTriggerEnter is called when the GameObject collides with another GameObject. |
OnTriggerEnter2D | Передается, когда другой обьект входит в триггер присоединенный к данному обьекту (только 2D физика). |
OnTriggerExit | OnTriggerExit вызывается, когда Collider other перестает соприкасаться с триггером. |
OnTriggerExit2D | Передается когда другой объект покидает триггер, присоединенный к данному объекту(только 2D физика). |
OnTriggerStay | OnTriggerStay is called once per physics update for every Collider other that is touching the trigger. |
OnTriggerStay2D | Передается каждый кадр, пока другой объект находится в триггере, присоединенном к этому объекту (только 2D физика). |
OnValidate | This function is called when the script is loaded or a value is changed in the Inspector (Called in the editor only). |
OnWillRenderObject | OnWillRenderObject is called for each camera if the object is visible and not a UI element. |
Reset | Reset to default values. |
Start | Start is called on the frame when a script is enabled just before any of the Update methods are called the first time. |
Update | Update вызывается каждый кадр, если MonoBehaviour включен. |