class in UnityEngine.Experimental.XR
Switch to ManualProvides access to a device's camera.
The XRCameraSubsystem links a Unity Camera to a device camera for video overlay (pass-thru rendering). It also allows developers to query for environmental light estimation, when available.
Camera | Set current Camera component within the app to be used by this XRCameraInstance. |
LastUpdatedFrame | The frame during which the camera subsystem was last successfully updated. |
LightEstimationRequested | True if the XRCameraSubsystem should try to provide light estimation. |
Material | Set current Material to be used while rendering to the render target. |
GetTextures | Fills the provided texturesOut with the texture(s) associated with the XRCameraSubsystem. |
TryGetAverageBrightness | Provides brightness for the whole image as an average of all pixels' brightness. |
TryGetAverageColorTemperature | Provides color temperature for the whole image as an average of all pixels' color temperature. |
TryGetDisplayMatrix | Provides display matrix defining how texture is being rendered on the screen. |
TryGetProjectionMatrix | Provides projection matrix used by camera subsystem. |
TryGetShaderName | Provides shader name used by Camera subsystem to render texture. |
TryGetTimestamp | Provides timestamp. |
FrameReceived | Event raised when a new camera frame is received. |